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Jackson's POV

"Fin left his gym kit here" says Ivy as she puts her shirt back on. I huff as she walks up the stairs to retrieve my son's gym kit. Looks like i'm getting nothing now.

Ivy's been gone for a while now and I'm beginning to worry when my phone rings. I answer it expecting it to be Ivy "Hello?"
I ask "Jackson, I'd come to the hospital if I were you" says the voice of Owen Hunt "Owen? What's happened? Do you need an extra pair of hands?" I ask, there's a silence for a moment "It's Ivy" replies Owen, my heart drops

"What's happened?" I ask, already making my way to the car "She got into a car crash and she's in surgery right now, the damage was bad but she should be ok" replies Owen as I get in the car "I'll be there in ten minutes" I state before hanging up the phone.

I drive to the hospital a little over the speed limit but i don't care. I rush inside and frantically search for Owen "Owen! Where's my wife?" I ask worriedly "Jackson, breathe. She's still in surgery. She had abdominal bleeding and a broken arm, two bones in her left leg broke and there's some damage to her cranium" replies Owen "Who's in the OR?" I ask

"Meredith, Amelia, Nico and a few interns and Maggie just incase" replies Owen, "what do you mean by just incase?" I ask "She coded before surgery and we almost lost her so we don't know if that will happen again or not" replies Owen "oh and Jackson I think you have the right to know. Ivy was pregnant" continues Owen "What do you mean was?" I ask, it's a stupid question "Jackson, I think we both know what I mean" replies Owen, i nod because I do. No foetus could survive a crash. "How far along?" I ask, Owen sighs "8 weeks by the looks of it" replies Owen.

"Look, mate, I'm going to go see if they need any help in Ivy's surgery and I'll make sure you get regular updates but for now you can just sit in the waiting room until she's out" says Owen, i nod and he walks away to the OR and i walk to the waiting room.

I decide to call my mom "Hello?" says Mom "Hey, mom, it's me, Jackson" I state "is everything ok, Jackson, dear?" Asks mom "Mom, are you able to pick the kids up and perhaps have them over night?" I ask, i can feel the lump forming in my throat. I can't lose her. I won't lose her. She will live.

"Jackson, what's wrong?" Asks Mom, i hear the worry in her voice "Ivy's in surgery" I reply, my voice cracking, the tears finally fall, i'm unable to prevent them anymore "what happened?" Asks Mom "she got into a car crash, mom, it's bad she coded before surgery" I reply, crying fully now. "I'll come and wait in the waiting room with you, is there someone else that could look after the kids? You need someone with you right now" says Mom "I'll see if her brother can" i say "I'll be there in fifteen minutes" replies mom before hanging up the phone. Now to call Zayden

"Hello?" Says Zayden as he picks up, i gulp down the lump in my throat as the tears subside but threaten to return "Zayden it's Jackson" i reply, there's muffled noise for a moment "everything, ok, Jackson?" Asks Zayden, i take a moment to compose myself "Are you in Seattle at the moment?" I ask, knowing the answer is probably no "Funnily enough I am, why? Does Ivy wanna see me?" Asks Zayden

"Zayden, um, Ivy has been in a car crash, she's in surgery, we need someone to look after the kids, I understand if you can't but um, I don't want them asking questions" I ask, there's silence for a moment "Bella will get the kids, I'm coming to the hospital to be there for my sister, I know she isn't talking to mom and dad right now so she needs some form of family, thanks for letting me know" replies Zayden "Thank you" I say. He ends the call

"Jackson, are you ok?" Asks Mom, i turn my head to face her and stand up to hug her "I'm scared, mom" I reply, we sit down and she rubs my back "Ivy's a fighter, she'll pull through" says mom. I nod

Meredith comes out and I stand up hopefully "How is she? Is she alive?" I ask "She's still in surgery, she's alive, we're getting there slowly but surely but she's alive. I've stemmed the abdominal bleeding and Amelia is almost done with her brain but the bones are proving hard work" replies Meredith, i nod as i absorb her information "Ok, thank you" i say relieved "she'll be ok" says Meredith, i nod "thanks, Mer" i reply, she nods curtly before heading back

Eventually Zayden arrives "any news?" Asks Zayden "still in surgery but she's alive and to me that's all that matters" I reply "yeah, I agree with you" says Zayden. We then sit in tense silence just waiting.

It feels like years before Nico Kim approaches us and we all stand immediately, all of us expecting good news, hoping for good news, wishing for good news. I hold onto every last strand of hope that my wife is alive, that she hasn't left me alone, left our children motherless.

"Ivy is alive and out of surgery, she's still asleep but she should wake up soon, you can see her though. Second floor, Ward Five" states Nico. I hug him tightly, relief washing over me "Thank you" I state before practically sprinting up the two flights of stairs and down the hall way.

I see her lying in a hospital bed looking so fragile and I just sit myself by her side. I hold her hand and I wait "I'm here, Ivy. I'm by your side, and I will always be by your side no matter what, no matter when, no matter where" I tell her though she probably can't hear me. She just needs to wake up.


Hello there my lovelies!

I'm so sorry for the terrible content lately, I haven't had the motivation to write and I have been busy but I don't want to deprive you of content. I also had writers block. I hope you at least found it readable I know it's terrible I'm so sorry but you continue to read and love and support this which I'm so thankful for. You guys are so amazing and lovely thank you so much I love you guys!

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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