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Today, Jackson and i are going to OB to get my 12 week scan, the all clear scan and i have to admit that i'm kind of nervous but at least i'll have Jackson by my side the whole way through

"Hey, you ok?" Asks Jackson, lacing or fingers together as we walk to OB, i nod mindlessly "yeah, a bit nervous, what about you, baby?" I ask, he smiles and nods "I'm excited but I'm here to hold your hand the whole way through" replies Jackson, he melts my heart sometimes, i squeeze his hand but he stops us as we approach OB, i'm about to ask what's wrong when his free arm wraps around my waist, pulls me closer and kisses me "Hey, I love you" says Jackson as we walk again, i smile "I love you more" i reply

We walk to the front desk where a nurse greets us "hello how can i help?" asks the nurse "hey, i have a ten o'clock appointment with Karina for a 12 week scan" i reply, the nurse smiles and nods "let me show you the room where your scan will take place" says the nurse, i smile and nod, following her with Jackson at my side

"Good morning, Ivy and...oh Jackson hi" says Karina "Hey, Karina" replies Jackson "are you the father?" Asks Karina, Jackson nods proudly "i am indeed" replies Jackson "amazing. Well, Ivy, as you may or may not know, I'm just going to place this gel over your uterus and that should enable you to see the fetus on the screen of the ultra sound" explains Karina, i nod

She places the gel over my uterus and spreads it, "you should now hear the heart beat" says Karina and i do, loud and clear, the beautiful sound of my baby's heart beat, i squeeze Jacksons hand and look up at him to see he's practically radiating happiness "and, even though the fetus is small you should be able to see it here" says Karina and I do, the little fetus.

Seeing the ultrasound has calmed me down a lot and replaced my anxiety with pure excitement "ok well that'll be all today, your baby seems happy and healthy and i expect to see you back for your next scan. See you soon" says Karina, i smile and nod as i get up off the chair "thank you, Karina" i say, she smiles and nods "you are very much welcome, Ivy" replies Karina

"How do you feel?" Asks Jackson, still holding my hand as we make our way to plastics "I feel great, excited actually. Hearing the heartbeat and seeing the baby has brought a wave of relief over me" i reply, he smiles "we're having a baby" says Jackson, i laugh and nod "we're having a baby!" i repeat, he kisses me again.

"Levi, I've told you already, I love Kenzie and Phoenix just as much as you do but i think another kid would just be too much" I hear as we walk down the hall, Jackson and I stop dead in our tracks, weather its to prevent an awkward interaction or to eavesdrop i don't know but perhaps both, either way we're listening to some drama.

"Why not, Nico? We did so well with Kenzie and Phoenix, they're in school now" i hear Levi reply, theres a moment of silence and then a sigh which i assume came from Nico "exactly, they're in school, there'll be a significant age gap and the kid we adopt will feel lonely" replies Nico, the guy has a point "then we adopt another set of twins" says Levi, i gape at the suggestion and i'm not even part of this conversation "are you fucking mental?" Asks Nico, i'd say "we are NOT adopting another set of twins, Levi, i love you and i love our kids but four kids is a lot and i don't think i could cope with it" continues Nico

Someone sighs and this time i assume it's Levi "i love you too, Nico, and as much as i'd love more kids if you can't cope with it then i'm not going to force you. I'm happy with the two beautiful girls we have now" says Levi, oh my god these guys are so cute like aah. There's silence for a while so Jackson and I decide it's safe to continue to the plastics floor but instead we walk in on them kissing, i really want the ground to swallow me whole because they both look up at us, Levi against the wall, his legs wrapped around Nico's waist, Nico's lips about to touch Levi's neck

"oh-um- we- we were just" i stutter but Jackson takes over "we were just on our way to plastics, you two carry on" says Jackson, how does he not get flustered in these situations? I push the thought away as we finally get to the plastics floor

Jackson and I take a look at each other before bursting out into laughter. We aren't laughing at Nico and Levi, we're laughing at how awkward the whole ordeal is and how it's the second time that we've interrupted their kissing session, poor blokes.

After checking up on a few patients i have a nose job surgery to do. "Hello there Miss Keates" i say as cheerily as i can as i enter the ward in which Elin Keates, the patient getting the nose job is "call me Elin" says Elin smiling. Elin is getting a nose job because her nose is abnormally large and is severely hooked "are you ready for surgery?" I ask her, she smiles and nods "as ready as i'll ever be" replies Elin, i smile and wheel her to the OR.

After my surgery my shift ends and I meet up with Jackson who walks with me to get Finlay since my mom left for florida two weeks ago so Finlay went back to the daycare. After that we got in separate cars and drove home.


Hello there my lovelies!

So a bit of schmico drama in this chapter as well as a check up on the baby hehe. Hope yall enjoyed this chapter!

anyways thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves

all my love, Blue xxx

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