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It's mine and Jackson's 10 year anniversary today and he said he had a surprise weekend away for us, so now I'm packing clothes for the kids to go stay with Zayden, Bella and their cousin Emery who is now four years old. It seems like only yesterday they had the baby.

"Right ok, Heaven, I've packed you shorts and jeans just incase and a few tops but it's only a weekend you should be fine. Fin, I've packed you the same thing. I need your toothbrushes and don't worry I've packed PJs" i announce to my children "got it, momma" says Finlay.

We get in the car and drive to Zayden and Bella's house. They decided to move to Seattle a few years ago because Bella fell in love with a house and Zayden wanted to be closer to me after the accident.

"Right, you two behave for uncle Zay and aunty Bella" I state, Heaven and Finlay nod "we will, momma" they reply in unison. I drop the kids off and return to the car where Jackson is now sitting in the driver's seat. "Surprise, remember" says Jackson as i get in the car "I remember" I reply smiling

We drive for a few hours before we reach a sort of countryside place. We park outside of a cabin. A beautiful cabin.

Dark brown Oakwood planks make up the walls, it has decking and cute little windows on the side. There's a garden with rose bushes and the outside looks gorgeous.

"Surprise" says Jackson, i turn to him and kiss him "Jackson you never fail to surprise me" I reply, he smiles and kisses me again "Happy 10 years baby" says Jackson "Happy 10 years" i reply

He walks me inside where there's a fire place and a soft couch, a tv attached to the wall and a small kitchen. a bedroom with a king sized bed and a lovely bathroom. "Jackson this is gorgeous" i gush, he smiles "you like it?" Asks Jackson, i nod "Babe, I love it" i reply

He walks over to me, puts his arm around my waist and pulls me in closer "good" he replies before kissing me. I smile on his lips before falling into the kiss. He takes off my shirt and kisses along my jawline "You are so sexy" says Jackson, i smirk "you think so?" I ask as Jackson slowly kisses down my neck "I know so" replies Jackson "you are't too bad yourself" I reply as i bring his head back up and kiss his lips.

I remove his shirt and kiss along his jawline "you are amazing" i say as i kiss down his neck "is that so?" Asks Jackson, i nod. He brings my head up and kisses me before picking me up so my legs are wrapped around his waist. "A weekend just us" says Jackson as he kisses down my torso "No interruptions" i reply, he smiles "something we haven't had in at least 10 years" says Jackson.

Later on that evening Jackson tells me to wear something nice because he's taking me to dinner but that's also a surprise.

I decide to wear a tight fitting, low cut red dress that hugs my figure, i leave my hair down, my black curls cascading down my back. I do a natural makeup look but with intense red lips to add a bit of pop.

"Ivy are you- Holy shitballs" says Jackson "what do I look bad?" I ask suddenly worried "No. God no, Jesus Christ Ivy you're trying to melt me" replies Jackson. I can't help but blush.

I take him in, he's wearing a blue checked flannel shirt with black skinny jeans, black shoes and a black belt. "You" i state, he smirks and kisses me

We get to the restaurant which seems like a couples restaurant. We sit on a table near the back of the restaurant where there's a vase filled with roses, two small candles accompany the vase. So romantic.

"Jackson this is perfect" I say as we eat our dinner, he smiles "Just like you" replies Jackson "and even after ten years you still manage to make me blush like a fool, Jackson Avery" i say, he shrugs "guess I never lost my charm" says Jackson, i roll my eyes.

After dinner i expect to go back to the cabin when Jackson leads me somewhere else "where are we going?" I ask, Jackson just smiles "I couldn't resist this one last surprise" says Jackson. He might just kill me with all these surprises one day but he's such a hopeless romantic.

Soon enough we arrive on a little hidden beach which seems unusual for the countryside but it's still amazing.

"The beach at sunset" I say, he shrugs like this isn't a big deal "I remember you telling me once it was something you always wanted to do" replies Jackson, my heart melts, he remembered.

"So, my betrothed, would you care to take a walk along the beach at sunset with me?" Asks Jackson, holding out his hand, i smile and take his hand gratefully "Why I would be honoured to, my love" i reply.

We walk hand in hand along the small beach admiring how the pink and orange sunset reflects off of the calm water. Beautiful. "This is beautiful" I state, Jackson nods "Yeah, but not as beautiful as my wife" replies Jackson, i raise an eyebrow "sounds like a lucky woman to have a man like you" i say, pretending like i'm not his wife "I dunno but I sure am one hell of a lucky guy" replies Jackson

"I don't deserve you Jackson, you're so kind, sweet, caring, romantic and selfless and I'" i say, Jackson shakes his head "no, Ivy, you don't deserve me. You deserve so much more because you don't even realise how special you are but I'll tell you everyday until you do" replies Jackson

"I love you so much, Jackson Avery" I state

"I love you more, Ivy Avery" replies Jackson.



Hello there my lovelies!

Yes unfortunately this story has come to an end, idk if this has been one of my best works but hopefully it's been readable. I'm posting an A/N straight after this, there'll be more info on upcoming fanfics

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all so much!

have the most beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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