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Today Mom's making us all dinner at mine and Jackson's house to get to known Jackson better.

I sit next to Jackson who's cradling Heaven in his arms and cooing over her whilst Finlay sits on my lap "momma do you need any help?" I call to my mom who's in the kitchen "It's ok, Ivy, your father is helping out" replies mom, i nod and turn my attention back to Jackson and my two children.

Then there's a knock at the door "I'll get it, it's probably Jay, Har and Zay coming back from wherever they went" I say as i pick Finlay up and put him on the sofa before opening the door and in walks my sister and two brothers "Aunty Jasmine! Uncle Harley! Uncle Zayden!" Exclaims Finlay as he flings himself at my siblings who all laugh as they hug him back "You wanna go play in the garden, Fin?" Asks Jasmine, he nods and Harley follows them both into the garden but Zayden walks over to Jackson

"Mind if I hold her?" Asks Zayden, Jackson shakes his head and Zayden takes Heaven from my fiancee. I sit next to Jackson and Zayden sits next to me on the couch as reruns of Friends is playing in the background "So, Jackson, you grow up here?" Asks Zayden, Jackson nods and shrugs "mainly yeah, I traveled with my mom a lot for her business though" replies Jackson, Zayden raises an eyebrow "what does your mom do?" Asks Zayden "my mom's the founder of the Catherine Fox foundation, she is Catherine Fox so mainly pitches ideas on where to build new hospitals and pays those hospitals a visit and helps out where she can" replies Jackson

Zayden's jaw hangs open "Holy shit man your mom's famous. Wait hold on, Jackson Avery. Avery where have I? Holy shitballs, don't tell me you're related to Harper Avery" exclaims Zayden, how does he know all this? Zayden's an investment banker "that I am, he's my grandfather" replies Jackson "that's cool dude" says Zayden, Jackson and I both laugh.

Lasagne is served for dinner and we all sit round the dinner table apart from Heaven who has been put down for a nap "So, Jackson, are you a plastic surgeon as well, like Ivy?" Asks mom as we begin dinner, Jackson nods "I am indeed" replies Jackson "And has it always been your dream to be a doctor?" Asks Mom, Jackson shrugs "my mom's a doctor, my grandfather's a doctor, it's in my blood I guess" replies Jackson, mom nods but dad scowls "what about your father?" Asks Dad, i grimace

"My mother and father are divorced, I never saw my dad much and he's good for nothing anyway so he's not a part of my life" replies Jackson, i place my hand on his thigh and he smiles at me "i'm sorry" says Dad, Jackson flashes him an easy smile "don't be" replies Jackson "Ivy tells me you guys live in Orlando, what do you guys do?" Asks Jackson, i wasn't expecting him to ask questions "I was hoping Ivy would've spoken more about us" says Dad in a disappointed tone, here we go again, Ivy the family disappointment "She mentions you guys a lot but she never mentioned your professions, that's all" says Jackson defending me and i appreciate that

"I'm a mechanic" says Dad, Jackson nods and turns to mom "I'm a dentist" mom replies "that's interesting" says Jackson "how so? What are you not impressed? Do you think your profession is better than ours because you're some hotshot doctor?" Asks Dad, i gape at him, who shoved a stick up his ass? "Dad!" I exclaim

"No, sir, I never meant that, I simply meant I genuinely find your professions interesting, sir" says Jackson calmly, dad scoffs "sure that's why. I'm sure you think you're better than us" says Dad, Jackson frowns "not at all, sir, I have the utmost respect for you and your family" says Jackson "Dad what's wrong? Where's all this come from?" I ask, frowning at my dad "I'm just skeptical that's all, Ivy" replies Dad

"Tate, you are being a bit harsh" says mom "I'm being cautious, Gwyneth" replies Dad "look, dad, we've been over this, Jackson is a good guy, he's nice to me, he's loyal, he's trustworthy, there is nothing to be skeptical of at all so please just loosen up a bit" I state firmly

"Ivy, I know you want to protect him because he proposed but do you think it's wise to marry a man you've been dating for only 9 months?" Asks Dad, I nod at him "yeah, I do, we've known each other longer than we've been dating and by the time we get married we'll have been together longer, besides what's the point in waiting for the inevitable" I reply, dad shakes his head "you claimed to be in love with Arrow" says Dad, i slam my hand angrily on the table causing everyone to jump

"Jackson is NOT Arrow, dad, when are you gonna get it into your head? In case you don't remember, Arrow's the one who beat Jackson half to death the other day and Jackson fought him for me. He is not Arrow" I say angrily and at that moment the baby monitor goes off as Heaven starts crying "now if you'll excuse me my daughter needs me" i say as i get up and walk up the stairs to Heaven

"Hey, baby girl" I say as I pick Heaven up out of her cot "Ivy" I hear someone say, I turn and see Jackson, how did he get up here so quickly? "Hey, Jackson, you should be back downstairs" I say, he shakes his head "I'm fine" says Jackson. Heaven's quite now so I put her back in her cot and she falls asleep again

Jackson walks over to me and kisses me "I'm with you no matter what, okay?" Says Jackson, I nod "Hey, I love you" says Jackson "I love you more" I reply


Hey there guys!

A bit more tension here. How do y'all feel about that?

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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