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After our shifts end Jackson and i meet up outside of the hospital. "You ready?" Asks Jackson, i chuckle "do I have a choice?" I ask, Jackson smirks "we all have a choice, Ivy" replies Jackson, i smile and roll my eyes at him "ever the poet, Mr Bigshot" i comment "but yes I am ready for whatever surprise you have in store for me" i continue, he smiles and leads me to his car.

We arrive at a place, a beautiful place, a place with a row of four hills, tall, but not tall enough for you not to be bothered to make the trek to the top "ready to walk up?" Asks Jackson, lugging a blanket and a basket out of his car "oh, Jackson" i gush "oh this is beautiful" i continue, he smiles "you haven't seen the best of it yet, come on" replies Jackson.

I follow him up the hillside and soon enough we reach the top which has the most beautiful view. Jackson lays out the blanket and we sit down on it, he also puts down the picnic basket. "So, I actually made carbonara pasta, split it in half and put it in plastic containers for us to eat because I like to be classy, I also brought junk food, haribos and chocolate because well, who doesn't love sweets and chocolate?" Explains Jackson. I smile and kiss him "Jackson this...this is perfect" I say "the perfect date for the perfect girl" replies Jackson and I blush.

"You make a mean carbonara" I say as i shovel more pasta into my mouth, i swear it's to die for "was that a compliment, Einstein?" Asks Jackson smirking, i playfully and lightly shove him "me? Give a compliment? Careful, Mr Bigshot, people might think I'm nice" i joke

"So, this baby we're gonna have, should we talk names?" Asks Jackson, i smile and nod "sure we can talk names" i reply, shoveling more pasta into my mouth "what boys names do you have in mind?" Asks Jackson, i think for a moment "I like Noah, or Flynn, what about you?" I reply "Noah is nice, i like Carter or Chase" says Jackson "Carter I like that name" i state "so Carter for a boy" says Jackson "what about girl's names?" Asks Jackson

"I like Heaven" I reply, Jackson smiles "Heaven is a beautiful name" says Jackson "So we either have Heaven or Carter" I reply, he nods. I rest my head on his shoulder "We're gonna have the most amazing kid" says Jackson, I smile and nod "we are indeed" I reply

"You know, Harriet and Finlay should have a playdate some time soon considering they'll be sharing a sibling" says Jackson, I smile up at him "I think Finlay would love that" I say, he kisses me "I'm so glad I met you" says Jackson, my heart melts and i almost drop the haribo strawb i was about to shove into my mouth "I'm glad I met you too" i reply

"Ivy, we've known each other for like a month but I knew you were always gonna be something more special than a friend or a work colleague, I was with Vic at the time we met but she was right, that wasn't going anywhere and I'm glad it didn't. Having you is like finding the last puzzle piece that's been missing for so long to complete the puzzle, you complete my puzzle, Ivy, you complete me and that's why you're so special, you make me feel complete, you make me feel like I can be myself. You make me feel safe. When you said I love you, I was hesitant to reply because whenever I love someone the relationship gets destroyed and I don't want that with you but then I realized that I do love you and you need to know that regardless because you are everything I've been looking for. Sure it might seem a bit early to be spilling my heart out to you but what's the difference? We only live once, might as well live in the presence than anticipate the future. I love you, Ivy" says Jackson.

For a moment i just stare at him completely speechless because no one's ever loved me like this and finally i find my words

"Jackson, you are the first person I have ever truly loved, I thought I loved Arrow, but that wasn't love, that was lies, blindness and manipulation. I thought you were something special when I met you, I had a feeling like we just clicked, everything felt right with you and I loved that, I loved the sense of security I felt. Then I doubted myself, I never thought you'd fall for me so I did what I do best and I tried distancing myself, the pregnancy just gave me an excuse and that was a bitch move but I have you now and I realize now that distancing myself would've been a horrible mistake because I would've never had the realization that I love you because I do. I never believed in true love or soulmates because I never got that and I never thought I deserved it so I gave up on it and then I met you and all that flew right out the window. I don't know much about love but I know this is it and I would never change it for the world. I love you too, Jackson, forever" I reply

He just kisses me, slowly, passionately. It's a long, lustful kiss full of emotion. Eventually we have to pull away for air but it doesn't matter. In that moment, my head rests on his shoulder, his hands stroking my hair as we watch the sunset in silence, listening to the other breathing as we reminisce over what we just admitted to each other and for the first time in what feels like forever, i feel free. I feel free because i really do love Jackson Avery.


Hello there my lovelies!

Here's some wholesome content bc i was having a bit of a moment whilst writing this chapter and i was listening to "Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol, it's such a beautiful song and yeah this just kinda happened.

Oh also, Happy American Independence Day to all my American readers, as I am not American I don't celebrate this holiday but if you do I hope you have or have had a good 4th of July, I love you all bbs 🥺❤️

Anyways, thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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