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Jackson POV:


How have I managed to get another girl Pregnant? Don't get me wrong I really like Ivy but the last time I really liked a girl it didn't end well.

"so where do you wanna go for dinner?" I ask, Ivy shrugs "can we just get KFC? I'm not all in the mood for restaurants, we could eat it in the car or at mine or yours i don't mind, mom's staying over again tonight" replies Ivy, i nod, KFC sounds good to me "sure thing, we can eat it in the car then i can drop you home" i state, she nods.

"why didn't you tell me?" I ask, she sighs "i already explained i was going to tell you i didn't want to get your hopes up in case...well in case things didn't go to plan" replies Ivy, "I know but we're in this together, Ivy ok?" I say, she sighs and shakes her head "but that's the thing, Jackson, we aren't! We aren't in this together, I mean I don't even know what we are I don't know if this is a relationship, is it a fling? Is it friends with benefits? What are we doing, Jackson? What is this?" Asks Ivy

"Look I wanted this to be a bit more romantic than driving to KFC, I had a whole plan, Ivy, I was going to get a picnic together and take you to some hills where we could lay a blanket at the top of one and watch the sunset and at the right time I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend but I guess now that i've told you its not really a surprise" i reply, she just looks qt me as i turn into the KFC drive thru

"you were gonna do all that for me?" Asks Ivy, i nod "but why?" Asks Ivy

"hi can I take your order please?" Asks the person on the other side of the intercom, interrupting a kind of special moment "yeah can i get a boneless banquet meal with a corn on the cob and a coke" i say, theres static noise for a moment "yeah, anything else?" Asks the person "what do you want?" I ask Ivy "same as you but diet coke" replies Ivy, i nod and turn back to the intercom "yeah another boneless banquet with a corn on the cob and a diet coke please" i reply, theres static noise again "yeah sure thing next window please" says the person

"I'd do all that for you, Ivy because although we've only known each other for a few weeks i feel like we really click, I really really like you a lot and i mean i understand if you don't feel the same but i guess its now or never" i say "Ivy Tate Fletcher, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask as I pull up to the window

"That'll be $12.98 please" says the person on the other side of the window. Real romantic. I hand them the money and get given my food and I park in the parking lot. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Mr Bigshot" says Ivy smiling

I lean in and kiss her, she kisses me back and i smile on her lips. As well pull apart we tuck into our meal "so, we're having a baby" i say excitedly, although Ivy doesn't seem as excited "what's wrong?" I ask her "It's just, I love my son and I love kids but I'm scared, Jackson, I don't know if I can do this, you're a great father but I'm not the best mother, I'm a mess and" says Ivy but i cut her off

"Ivy, you are an amazing mother, I see how happy Finlay is, he's a beautiful, happy healthy baby boy with a momma who loves him so much and he loves you so so much, you've coped so well on your own for what? 3 years and he's alive and well and so are you. You have survived so much and you have coped with so much so don't you dare put yourself down, don't try and downgrade yourself, you're the baddest bitch there ever was and don't you forget it, besides this time you got me, I ain't going anywhere, I'm here for all of it ok?" I say

Ivy puts down her chicken strip, cups my face in her hands and kisses me "I love you, Jackson" says Ivy, i'm taken aback for a moment "right" i say. Did i just say right? I did didn't i? If i were Ivy i'd have punched me.

We eat in silence for a while and when we've finished i start driving back to Ivy's apartment when i fully register what she said. She said I love you and i fucking said right, i want to punch myself in the face honestly

We reach her apartment building and i park. She goes to get out of the car but i grab her wrist and pull her back to me "Hey, Ivy" i say, she nods "I love you more" I continue

A wide smile spreads across her face as she kisses me and it's true, i think i do love this girl and if she has the balls to say those three words out loud, why can't i say them back?

"I'll see you tomorrow at work" I say, she smiles and nods "see you tomorrow" she replies. I watch her to make sure she gets in safely before driving back to my own apartment.

I get a girlfriend and i tell her i love her in the same day. Wild. Not to mention i'm having a kid, and it's only Monday, fucking hell man.

I get into my apartment and smile to myself as i think over todays events whilst getting ready for bed, well i say that but really i'm probably going to watch an episode of 'Sherlock' before hand.

What a day.


Hello there my lovelies!

How'd you feel about this chapter? They're finally together! Even if they did get interrupted several times by the workers at KFC 🤣

anyways, thank you all for all your love and support i love you all so much!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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