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After we've all eaten and Catherine's gone home, Jackson goes and put's Heaven down to sleep. "Finlay, bud, come cuddle momma on the couch" I say, he comes over, climbs on the couch and into my arms

"What's up, momma?" Asks Finlay, i kiss his temple "You know your dad?" I ask, he nods "Jackson?" Asks Finlay, i shake my head "no, baby, Arrow" i reply, he sighs and nods "he's not my dad" replies Finlay "I know sweetie but something happened" I say, he looks up at me and frowns "what happened, momma?" Asks Finlay, curiosity and confusion tainting his tone.

I pick him up and sit him on my lap so he's facing me and i stroke his hair "baby, your da- Arrow- was going to the shops last night and he got into an accident, he got ran over by a car" I explain, not knowing how better to explain it than that "oh" says Finlay "does that mean he's...dead?" Asks Finlay, i nod and he furrows his brow "you can be upset" i say, he sighs

"I'm a bit upset" says Finlay "but it's ok because I have Jackson as my dad" adds Finlay "you do indeed" says Jackson as he sits next to me and ruffles Finlay's hair. We cuddle for a little while until Finlay falls asleep in my arms so i carry him upstairs

I take Finlay into his room, a room that is decorated electric blue and has stars and rocket ships and planets painted on the walls just the way he wanted it. Back in our flat I never had the time or money to decorate so Finlay's bedroom was kind of shit, he always told me he loved it but i always felt so bad. I have such a kind, caring, funny, thoughtful and wonderful little boy and I was just a shitty mom for a while.

I lay him down and kiss his temple "Goodnight my baby boy, I love you" i whisper. I then walk into Heaven's nursery which is painted baby pink with little plush bears painted on the walls. I kiss her temple as well "Goodnight my baby girl, I love you" I whisper to her

After that, Jackson and I chill on the couch "You know you're doing a great job as a mom" says Jackson, i turn to face him and smile "Thank you" I say, he kisses me "don't get me wrong you're a badass wife as well but you know" says Jackson laughing, i roll my eyes "is that right?" I ask, kissing him he nods

I stand up "we should go up" i say, he nods and stands up too and we head up to our room. Our room has nice grey walls with cream furniture.

Jackson pushes me up against the wall and kisses me "someone's feeling scandalous" i day as he kisses down my neck and picks me up, my legs wrap around his waist "well I'm just glad you didn't get wrongly convicted of murder" says Jackson, i chuckle as he takes his shirt off and then proceeds to remove mine.

I bring his head back up so he's facing me and i kiss him "I'm glad I didn't get wrongly convicted of murder as well" i reply before kissing down his neck.

The next morning Jackson and I are meant to be back at work but i'm debating whether or not to let Finlay have a grieving day "Fin, are you gonna be ok to go to school today?" I ask as i take out denim bootcut jeans and a Spider-Man t-shirt out for him to wear, he nods his head "sure I am, momma, I wanna see my friends" replies Finlay, he never talks about Kindergarten, we've tried to coax him to but he just doesn't

"Who are your friends?" I ask as i sort out some other stuff "well there's Holden, Caden, Jonathan, Elena, Elsie, Clara and Gabriel" replies Finlay "but Holden is my bestest friend" adds Finlay, i smile and chuckle "sounds like you're very popular mister" i say ruffling his hair, he laughs and nods "yeah, first I was only playing with Holden and then Elsie and Caden played with us in the sand pit and then Elena came and played and then Gabriel and then Clara and now they're all our friends but Holden says I'm his bestest friend and he's my bestest friend" says Finlay

"Is that right? Well, maybe next time pops and I are off work we could have Holden over for a play date" I say, Finlay's face lights up "really?" Asks Finlay excitedly "really" i reply, he claps his hands in excitement which melts my heart "I'm gonna go get your sister ready for daycare now bud" I say, he smiles and nods as i leave "you're the bestest mommy ever" says Finlay, i laugh

I put Heaven into a denim pinafore dress with light pink tights and a pink and white striped long sleeved top with little white shoes.

"You ready to go?" Asks Jackson, hugging me from behind and kissing my neck, i smile and nod "sure am" I reply, turning round to kiss him.

We get in the car and drive to Kindergarten first to drop Finlay off and then we drive to the hospital where i take Heaven to daycare and then walk with Jackson to go get coffee

"Fin told me about Kindergarten this morning" I say as we wait in the line, he raises his eyebrows "what'd he say?" Asks Jackson "well he has 7 friends, Holden, Caden, Jonathan, Gabriel, Clara, Elena and Elsie but Holden is his best friend apparently" I reply, Jackson smiles "would you look at that, our little boy is popular and everything" says Jackson, I chuckle and nod "i told him next time we're off he can have a playdate with Holden" I say

"That'll be good" says Jackson, i smile and nod "it will, i think" i say as the barista hands us our coffees.


Hello there my lovelies!

Finlay melts my heart tbh like i just 🥺
Anyways, i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and that you're all ok :))

anyways, thank you for all your lobe and support i love you all

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay strong
stay safe
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves

all my love, Blue xxx

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