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So, Jackson and i have been married for 6 months now and it still feels so surreal.

Today we're both working whilst Finlay is at kindergarten and Heaven is in the daycare. I still can't believe Finlay is in Kindergarten. We do still have to get him and bring him to daycare but he's grown up so fast.

"Hey, are you picking Finlay up are am I?" Asks Jackson "um I have surgery later, I could push it back but" i begin but he cuts me off "I can pick him up it's ok" says Jackson, kissing me, i smile "you're amazing" i say, he smiles

"I have surgery" says Jackson, i nod and kiss him "see you later" i say, he nods and walks away. As he leaves my phone goes off


I know where you are, I want to see my son- 9:30 AM

A pit forms in my stomach and i suddenly feel the anxiety rise within me. Do i answer it? Do i leave it? I decide now just to leave it and get on with post op and pre op

An hour later i get another message


Ignore me all you like, Sweetheart, that's not gonna stop me and you know it- 10:30 AM

I turn my phone off again and ignore the message. Surely he can't take Finlay out of kindergarten, he'll be ok.

Just to make sure, i call the school "Hello Seattle State Kindergarten how can I help?" Asks the woman at the desk, i quickly form what i want to say in my head "Hey, my name is Ivy Avery, my son Finlay Avery is a student in your kindergarten. I just wanted to ask you not to let him go home with a man called Arrow Clarke" I say. We changed Finlay's name by deed poll because he wanted to be an Avery

"And may I ask why?" Asks the woman "Arrow is Finlay's biological father but I don't want him seeing Finlay because he's a danger to him" i reply, there's silence for a moment "right ok" says the woman "i'll make sure the message is passed on to Finlay's kindergarten teacher Mr Bullstrode" says the woman, i let out a breath of relief "thank you" i reply, feeling like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders "have a good day" says the woman "you too" i reply and i hang up the phone

"Hey, I'm just about to go pick up Finlay" says Jackson an hour later, i nod "well my surgery has been pushed back anyway so i'll come with you" i reply, he nods and we walk out to his car together

We get out of the car and walk across the carpark to get to the kindergarten but we're stopped half way there "Hello, sweetheart" says Arrow, i shudder at his voice "what are you doing here?" Asks Jackson "I could ask you the same question, pretty boy" replies Arrow "anyway, next time, sweetheart, don't ignore me because I will find you, I will always find you and you won't always have pretty boy there to protect you" says Arrow "I ignored your messages, Arrow because they were full of bullshit" i reply

"not very friendly" comments Arrow, i scoff "when did you ever deserve my friendliness? Or my kindness? Because as far as I'm concerned you're a world class asshole and I don't want that around my son so you can kiss goodbye to being a father, Arrow because it's not happening" I reply "is that right?" Asks Arrow, i nod "yeah, it fucking is" i reply "now get out of my way" i add, he scoffs at me and shrugs "or what?" Asks Arrow. I kick him in the crown jewels and he falls to the floor "or that, now get out of my fucking sight" i reply

Jackson and I walk away leaving Arrow on the floor. "Mommy! Daddy! You both came today!" Exclaims Finlay as he runs towards us, I pick him up and Jackson ruffles his hair "we sure did buddy" i reply "this is the best day!" Exclaims Finlay, i chuckle and kiss his forehead

"It is the best day, son, because I'm here" says an all too familiar voice "mommy what's he doing here?" Asks Finlay, holding tighter to me "I don't know, baby but don't worry mommy won't let Arrow touch you" I reply, moving him away from Arrow

"Come on, son, aren't you gonna say hi to your dad?" Asks Arrow, Finlay shakes his head "you're not my dad, Jackson's my dad" replies Finlay, Arrow laughs and shakes his head "no he isn't, I am" retorts Arrow "I don't want you to be my dad" says Finlay

"Yeah, Arrow, he doesn't want you, so scram, leave us alone" says Jackson, Arrow smirks sinisterly "surprised you have the balls to talk to me, Pretty Boy, considering what happened the last time we bumped into each other" says Arrow "yeah but it seems as though I have more balls than you, Arrow, I don't need three other cronies to do my dirty work for me" replies Jackson "and what are you gonna do about it, pretty boy?" Asks Arrow, Jackson shrugs "if you want my comeback you'll have to scrape it off your mom's teeth" replies Jackson, i gape at him

"Is that silence? I think it is. So fuck off" says Jackson, Arrow angrily storms away "I'm gonna have to steal that come back next time I get into an argument" I say, Finlay throws his arms out to Jackson who takes him out of my arms "thank you for making him go away, you're the best dad ever" says Finlay, Jackson smiles as he walks us all back to his car "thanks, buddy" replies Jackson

We drop Finlay off at daycare and I go into surgery feeling better after everything. What a weird day it's been. I'm just lucky to have Jackson.


Hello there my lovelies!

I took a few like days away from writing for personal reasons and I also had some writers block but um I'm back with some more content. Oh and Jackson's come back is my favourite come back ever and we can all thank Jimmy Carr for that

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my live, Blue xxx

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