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I get in to find my mom sitting on the couch on her own watching re runs of Friends. "Hey, momma" I say, she turns and smiles at me "Hey, baby, you ok?" Asks Mom, i smile and nod "i'm good momma, what about you?" I ask

"I'm good, me and my grandson had a lovely afternoon together, I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of taking him home from daycare" replies Mom, i join her on the sofa "i don't mind it's ok, it gave me the opportunity to talk to Jackson" I say, Mom smiles that knowing smile of hers "and how was that?" Asks mom, I smile and shrug "it was nice" I reply

"Ivy Tate Fletcher, you tell me what happened young lady" demands mom smiling uncontrollably, there are only two instances in which my mom uses my full name, when she's cross or when she wants me to spill tea, in this case it is thankfully the latter "well let's just say I'm no longer single" i reply, mom squeals excitedly but i decide to leave out the pregnant part and wait till the 12 week scan. "that's brilliant!" exclaims mom, i smile

"Oh, honey, I forgot to say, is it alright if I stay until the end of the week? Flights to Florida are booked up till Sunday" says Mom, i smile and nod "of course, momma, stay as long as you need" i reply "I'd better call your father, see how Jasmine and Harley are doing, if they're behaving" says Mom, I nod and she gets up and goes to a different room to call my dad.

At that moment, my phone buzzes, signalling that i have a text so i take it out of my back pocket and see who it is

Jackson Avery

Are you free tomorrow?- Jackson 19:45

I smile at the message


Should be why?- Ivy 19:46

I decide to change his name to 'Jackson' but with a heart because I'm cute like that


Surprise, meet me outside the hospital when you're shift ends tomorrow, try and find someone to look after Finlay for the night, if not that's cool we can always reschedule- Jackson 19:46


Mom's staying till Sunday so baby sitter is all sorted, I'll see you tomorrow then- Ivy 19:47


See you tomorrow. I love you- Jackson 19:47


I love you more- Ivy 19:47

I can't stop smiling, i'm dating Jackson Avery and he loves me. Like he actually loves me. "Ivy, your father wants to talk to you" says mom, I get up and go to my room where mom's taking her call and take the phone

"Hey, pops, what's up?" I say as soon as i take the phone "Hey, Pumpkin, everything's good, how is my little girl?" Asks Dad "I'm good thank you, pops, Finlay misses you even if he's loved his time with his Grandma his misses his Grandpop, are Jay and Har driving you up the wall?" I ask, Dad chuckles and i can almost see him shaking his head "of course they are, when are they not?" Asks Dad, i laugh "It was nice talking to you, pop, I'll have to come to Florida some time soon to see you, I'll hand you back to momma now, i miss you, love you" i say "i love you too, pumpkin" says dad, i smile and hand the phone back to mom

I moved to Seattle from Florida after i graduated med school because i wanted to work at Grey Sloan. Then i met Arrow and had Finlay and had to find some quick work to make an earning which was a minor setback but it's made me the person i am today so i'm not ashamed of it and i love my little boy so much.

"momma, momma can you come here?" I hear Finlay ask, i walk into his room and kneel by his bed "what's up bubs?" I ask, he hugs me "i had a bad dream" says Finlay "you wanna have cuddles with momma till you fall asleep again?" I ask, he nods and i carry him into the living room and sit on the couch cradling him.

The next day i leave Finlay at home with mom and drive to work on my own which is weird but nice at the same time.

"Morning, beautiful" says Jackson, kissing me before handing me a coffee "Morning, Mr Bigshot" I reply, returning the kiss and taking the coffee "what are your plans this morning?" Asks Jackson, i sip my coffee and think for a moment before remembering what i'm doing "charts" i reply "oh really? Me too" replies Jackson.

We sit in an on call room together, the door locked so we don't have another Nico and Levi incident and it's nice just the two of us.

"you know, charts can wait until later" says Jackson, walking over to me and kissing me "can they really?" I ask, smiling on his lips before he moves down my neck "I'm sure they can" replies Jackson, shoving the charts onto the floor, i giggle and shake my head but he locks our lips together again

"You know, you're quite a catch, Mr Bigshot" I say, he smirks and kisses down my neck "you think so?" Asks Jackson as his hands ride up my shirt "I know so" I reply as my hands run through his hair and down his neck and up his back.

I kiss down his neck and remove his shirt, kissing his collar bone and down his torso and back up, our lips meeting again "you know you can be quite the tease, Einstein" says Jackson, i raise my eyebrows at him "am i really?" I ask, he nods, i roll my eyes "perhaps you're just impatient" i say, he chuckles "me? Impatient? Never" replies Jackson, i laugh but then he kisses me, catching me off guard

"Hey, I love you" says Jackson, I smile and kiss him back "I love you more" I reply


Hello there my lovelies!

So here's a chapter with a bit of Jackson and Ivy and a bit of my OC's back story. Hope y'all liked it!

Anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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