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Sitting at the bar in Joe's i order a beer and wait for Jackson.

I'm wearing a black buttoned shirt with a black and white checked skater skirt with tights. I thought not to dress too casual but not too formal so I went for an option that fitted nicely in the middle

"Well hello there, Einstein" says Jackson as he pulls up the stool next to me, a smile spreads across my face "Hey there, Mr Bigshot" I reply. I see that he's wearing a navy and white checked flannel shirt, black skinny jeans with a brown leather belt. He

"So, How's Harriet?" I ask, he sips his beer and nods "she's good, she liked the extended time with me but I think she was happy to be back with April. How's Finlay?" Replies Jackson, I smile and nod "Finlay's good, he's so happy about seeing mom, she's happy to look after him too, she's missed him" I say

"So, Einstein, tell me about you" says Jackson "well, I grew up in Orlando Florida with my mom, Gwyneth, my dad, Tate, my older brother, Zayden, my little brother, Harley and my little sister Jasmine. I met Arrow, Finlay's father in med school, when I graduated I found out I was pregnant with Finlay, Arrow even proposed, I thought he was so nice. Then he cheated on me and even got himself landed in prison for several robberies, that's when I decided he was not fit to be a parent and deserved no place in my son's life. My parents helped a lot with Finlay and helped me pursue my career. When Arrow got out of jail he contacted me and asked to see his son and I reluctantly obliged, he doesn't see Finlay much but he does try some times, he pays me and stuff so he's not all bad but I wouldn't get back with him" I reply

"sounds like you've had quite the adventure then, Einstein" Comments Jackson, I chuckle "indeed I have" I reply "what about you, Mr Bigshot?" I ask

"Well I grew up here, mom and dad didn't get on much so I didn't get on with him much and sometimes mom had to go away for work so I had to stay with various family members or she would pay for a nanny until I was old enough to stay home alone. I started at Mercy West Hospital and then it was merged with Grey Sloan, well Seattle Grace as it was then in my first resident year. April was at Mercy West too so we did our internship, residency and some attending years together. Then I met Mark Sloan, he was plastics and the reason why I went into that department. Mark got into a plane crash and died which was sad for me but he was a great mentor. After a while April and I got together and she got pregnant but sadly my son died hours after he was born. Then we broke up and she was meant to get married to someone else but instead we ran off together and got married, then she got pregnant and had Harriet, we broke up, she got back with the man she was meant to marry and now they're living happily ever after" Replies Jackson

"Sounds like you've also had quite the adventure, Mr Bigshot" I say, he smirks and nods "i guess i have" replies Jackson. He leans in and kisses me, my hands run through his curls, his hands roam up and down my back as he kisses along my jawline and down my neck but then he stops

"I-I'm sorry" stutters Jackson, I shake my head "don't be" I reply, he sips on his beer "I- I didn't even ask if you were ok with it...I-I'm sorry" stutters Jackson, I shake my head again "Jackson don't worry, if I had have wanted you to stop I would've said so, heck if you didn't stop I would've broken your nose, dad taught me how so don't worry I'm perfectly prepared" I reply, trying to diffuse the tension with a few jokes

Jackson smiles and shakes his head "aren't you a feisty one?" Asks Jackson rhetorically "I don't know, am I?" I ask, he smirks and rolls his eyes. His eyes. They're perfect, too perfect. His soft, caramel skin, the same as mine, his fluffy curls, him. Everything about him is perfect and I have a bad feeling that I'm falling for him, I mean how could you not.

"Ivy" says Jackson, I shake my head to clear my mind of my daydream "hmm" I hum in response "are you ok?" Asks Jackson, I smile and nod "yeah, sorry just got my head in the clouds" I reply, he smirks "penny for your thoughts?" Asks Jackson "nothing to share" I lie, he scrutinises me for a moment before his face settles into an easy smile which melts me.

After a moment or two his lips are back on mine, my fingers are back in his hair, his hands are back on my body and I'm indulging in every minute of this passionate kiss. I then kiss down his jawline, down his neck, on his collarbone. "Ivy" says Jackson, I look at him "let's take this to my place" adds Jackson, I smirk and nod, following him.

When we get to his place he shuts the door and pushes me against the wall. Somehow my legs find their way around his waist and he's kissing down my neck, I unbutton his shirt as he lays me down on the bed and I kiss down his torso, down to his pant line and back up, locking our lips together once more

He removes my shirt and kisses along my jawline, my fingers running through his hair as he makes his way down my neck, down my torso, his lips back on mine, our tongues fighting for dominance and his wins.

We then spend the rest of the night cuddling.

What did I just do?


Hello there my lovelies!

I hope y'all are well! How'd you feel about this chapter? Sorry for the mature content 😬

anyways, thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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