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My second day at Grey Sloan Memorial.

The whole thing seems so surreal.

I walk to daycare with Finlay hoisted on my left hip. I set him down in the daycare and kiss his forehead "alright momma's gonna see you soon, be good" I say, he giggles and waves "bye momma" Finlay says. He can't say much clearly but hems managed hi, bye, momma and a few other words perfectly which makes me smile, even if he can't string many sentences together yet

I get my scrubs on and make my way to the pit which apparently is where I'm stationed today "hello again" says Holland, I smile and wave at her "Hello" I reply, she nods curtly and shortly afterwards we're joined by Jackson as well.

An ambulance comes in loud and clear "what've we got?" I ask as the paramedics open up the back of the ambulance "Car crash, two teenagers a boy and a girl and three males" replies one paramedic, I take to one of the males

"going by ID this is Cian Williams, 32, minor head injury, suspected broken ribs, a broken leg and..." but the paramedic doesn't need to finish, somehow his man has a license plate stuck in his abdomen "Holy shit balls" i say as I take in the wound "Jackson you reckon a skin graft?" I ask, Jackson looks over the man and nods "definitely, we can get to work on that in a minute, page Owen Hunt" replies Jackson as we reach the trauma rooms in the OR

when Owen arrives Jackson and I are free to leave as we technically aren't needed till later in the surgery so we can work on the skin graft for the abdomen because the skin looks badly damaged.

"So how good are you with skin grafts?" Asks Jackson, I shrug "I've done a few, back in Virginia Mason they didn't have many plastics patients, another reason why I left, the most exciting thing I got to do was a skin graft, we did fuck all basically" I reply

"Virginia Mason sounds kinda shitty" comments Jackson, I laugh dryly "it is" I reply "but the paediatrics ward was nice, the kids were lovely, in my free time I used to sing for them, they always needed a form of entertainment so I played my guitar and sang" I say.

"you sing? Any good?" Asks Jackson, I shrug "I'm bearable if that's what you mean" I reply smiling. He focuses for a moment on the skin graft before turning back to me "sing something for me" says Jackson "like what?" I ask, he shrugs, forming another part of the graft "I like Iris by the goo goo dolls, you know that one?" Asks Jackson, I smile and nod "know it? That's my favourite" I reply

Jackson stops for a moment and his full attention is on me "And I don't want the world to see me, cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am, I just want you to know who I am" I sing, he seems so lost in that section of the song that it takes him a moment to resurface

"well, if that's bearable I don't know what good and incredible are but in my ranks that singing was the best I've ever heard" says Jackson, I blush "you're quite the charmer you know that?" I ask, he smirks and for a moment I'm lost in those blue-ish grey eyes

"Dr Avery, Dr Fletcher, Dr Hunt was wondering when your skin graft would be ready?" Asks a man who I know to be Levi Schmitt if my memory is correct "how much time do I have?" Asks Jackson, Levi thinks for a moment "about 45 minutes" replies Levi "I'll do it in 30" says Jackson, Levi smiles, nods and dashes off back to surgery.

"Sorry I probably delayed you're work with my singing" I say, he smiles and shakes his head "I'm glad you sang for me, I wouldn't want to miss such a melodic voice, besides I'm Jackson Avery, I'm like awesome or something like that" says Jackson smirking "I'd say you're rather hot headed, Mr Bigshot" I reply, an equal smirk on my lips

"Is that what you're calling me now? Mr Bigshot?" Asks Jackson as he continues the graft, I shrug "why not?" I reply, he smiles "well now I need to think of a clever name for you. I'll get back to you with that" says Jackson, I smile and roll my eyes.

After Jackson get's out of surgery he comes with me to get a coffee. "So what're your plans for this evening?" Asks Jackson "well, Fin will probably make me watch Paw Patrol which I must say I've grown attached to" I joke which earns a laugh out of Jackson "but other than that just spending time with my son, what about you?" I ask

"I'm taking my girlfriend Vick to my Parent's house for their anniversary" replies Jackson. Oh he has a girlfriend, well then. Not that it matters he's only my friend so why I have a pang of jealousy surge through me I don't know but oh well.

"that sounds lovely" i say smiling, he shrugs "hopefully she doesn't think meeting my parents is too soon I mean it has been like four months" replies Jackson "well, I'm sure it'll all be fine, like you said, you're Jackson Avery, you're awesome or whatever" I say smirking, Jackson chuckles "I did say that yes" says Jackson "well, that's my shift up, I'll see you tomorrow" says Jackson

I nod and walk with him to the car park "let me know how it goes" I say, he smiles and nods "will do" replies Jackson before turning on his heel and walking away.

Girlfriend. Why does that make me jealous? I've only known the guy two days.

I don't know anymore.


Hello there my lovelies!

It's been a hot minute, i didn't realise how long I left between my updates so here's chapter three hope y'all like it!

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling

most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

All my love, Blue xxx

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