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It feels like years before Jackson and Levi walk towards me and immediately i'm on my feet "please tell me they're alive" I state "they're alive, Ivy" replies Jackson and relief floods through me, oxygen returns and i can breathe again

"Of course your parents will need healing time and it doesn't look like physio therapy will be needed" explains Levi, i nod "can i see them?" I ask, Levi nods at me "we made sure they were put in the same ward next to each other" replies Levi before beckoning me to follow him and i do.

I see my parents, they don't look like them with casts and wires and machines around and on them. They look weak and broken, my parents are not weak and broken. I sit at mom's side and hold her hand. I wait until she comes around

"Ivy?" Asks Mom, i smile and nod, giving her some water "mom you're ok!" I exclaim happily, she smiles "Just a few scratches" jokes mom, i chuckle and shake my head "you gave me a massive fright. What were you doing in Seattle?" I ask "Well, we were going to surprise you with a visit, we got on a plane and rented a car and we were driving when someone crashed into us and that's all I remember" replies mom "awe, momma, you didn't have to make a surprise visit" i say

"Well it was mainly for Finlay and Heaven because of the whole going to court thing" replies Mom "What? You wanted to make sure my kids were ok because I was a suspect in a murder investigation?" I ask "I'm glad you understand" replies Mom "you thought I did it?" I ask dumbfounded "well, you had motives" replies mom, i scoff and leave the room

I go to the front desk of the plastics floor and get post and pre op charts "Ivy, what are you doing?" I hear Jackson ask me, i turn to face him "working" i reply bluntly "you should be with your parents" says Jackson "no thanks" i reply, he frowns and walks over to me "Ivy what happened?" Asks Jackson

"Mom told me they were down to check on Heaven and Finlay because I'd been arrested under suspicion of killing Arrow and they thought I did it" I reply, saying it out loud makes me cry. Jackson takes me into an on call room so we have some privacy and to calm me down. He hugs me and strokes my hair "it's ok, Ivy" he whispers as i cry into his chest

"I just don't understand I thought I was a good person" I state, he looks me in the eye "you are a good person, Ivy" says Jackson "obviously not if my parents think I murdered someone" i reply, he sighs "Ivy, you have been through so much, things your parents can't even begin to imagine and they don't see just how strong you are. If they believe you could do something as barbaric as that they don't see the true you and that sucks and I know it does but if they can't see you for the kind, smart, funny, talented, gorgeous, incredible, independent, sexy ass woman you are then they don't deserve you whatsoever because you're so damn amazing, Ivy Tate Avery" says Jackson, i smile and blush at his words before kissing him

"You always know what to say" I say, he smiles "I do try" he replies before kissing me again "I love you so much" says Jackson "I love you more" I reply

"Do you want to go back to your parents?" Asks Jackson "will you come with me?" I ask "of course" replies Jackson and he follows me to my parent's ward.

"Ivy there was no need to walk off" says Mom as I walk back in "there was every need to walk off, you basically just accused me of being a murderer" I reply "all I'm saying is that I wouldn't have put it past you with Arrow" says Mom, i gape at her "mom, my job is to save lives not end them, I may hate Arrow's guts but I never wanted him dead and I am shocked that you would think so lowly of me" I state firmly

"Ivy don't be so dramatic" says Dad, he's finally awake. I think back to ten hours ago when they weren't in surgery when I was so worried about them, when  i thought i knew their true colors "don't be so dramatic? I think you'd act the same way if your parents accused you of murdering someone" I reply, i see dad roll his eyes

"I do not need this after being in a car crash, could you stop being selfish for once in your life and do your job which is being a doctor" says Dad, i'm about to retort when Jackson steps in

"Hey! I mean no disrespect but Ivy is in no way selfish at all ever, she always put others first and she has every right to be upset after you put such a serious and such a false accusation upon her in fact I'd say she's taken it well. Not to mention she worried so much about you guys when she saw you come in, she waited in the waiting room with regular updates to make sure you guys were alive and this is how you repay her for her kindness? By accusing her of murder and calling her selfish? If you can't see Ivy for the wonderful, kind, selfless, smart, talented woman she is then you don't deserve her" says Jackson

"How dare you talk to me like that, you may be married to my daughter but you have no right to talk to me in such a way" says Dad "and you have no right to treat your daughter like shit" retorts Jackson before walking away and pulling me along with him out of the ward.


Hello there my lovelies!

We finally see Gwyneth and Tate's true colors. This just kinda happened like this wasn't planned but we move bc content is content and yeah, i hope y'all enjoyed this

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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