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It's Heaven's sixth birthday. It seems like only yesterday she was turning one.

It's also been five years since my parents got in that crash and now we don't talk, the only time we talk is when I let them see Finlay and Heaven which isn't often.

"Good Morning, Momma" says Heaven as she walks down the stairs. She's so big now and it melts my heart, she has shoulder length black ringlet curls with chocolate brown eyes and the softest caramel skin. "Good morning, sweetie" I reply "It's a special day today" says Heaven, i pretend to think like i don't know what day it is "no it's just a normal Friday" I reply trying to suppress a smile

"I'm joking sweetheart, how could I forget my baby girl's birthday?" I ask, i pick her up and twirl her around "Happy Birthday my beautiful baby girl" I say, planting a kiss on her cheeks and she giggles

"Is that the birthday girl I hear?" Asks Jackson coming down the stairs, i put Heaven down and i see Finlay, who is nine now, come down the stairs behind Jackson

"Happy Birthday, Heaven my darling girl" says Jackson "Happy Birthday, Heaven" says Finlay, Heaven hugs Finlay "Thank you, FinFin" replies Heaven.

"Come on, time to get in the car, Finlay has school, Heaven you have Kindergarten and Dad and I have work" I say. Heaven claps her hands in excitement "Yay! I get to see my bestest friend in the whole wide world" says Heaven, i chuckle. Heaven and her friend Heidi have been inseparable for a year now and Heaven is always so happy when she sees or talks about Heidi it's adorable. Heidi has caramel skin like Heaven with curly light brown hair with green eyes she's so cute.

"Right let's go, kiddos" I say. We get in the car and travel to Dunkin first for a birthday breakfast donut and then we drop the kids at school.

"What are you doing this morning?" Asks Jackson, grabbing my hand as we walk into the hospital together "Post op and pre op, what about you?" I ask, he smiles "same as you" he replies

As soon as we get our charts, Jackson and I find an empty on call room to do our work in because they're quiet but minutes later the door is opened and two people stumble in, one of them closing the door and taking their shirt off. Jackson clears his throat and both people Jump. It's Owen and Holland

"Oh- we- Sorry" says Holland as she quickly gets her shirt back on and they both hurry out of the room "I obviously forgot to lock the door" says Jackson laughing, i laugh as well as he locks the door to prevent another incident like that. "Remember when Levi and Nico did that?" I ask, Jackson laughs and nods "that was right at the beginning of our relationship" replies Jackson, i smile at the thought and nod my head

Jackson moves the charts and sits next to me, cups my face in his hands and kisses me "I'm so glad I met you" says Jackson, i smile on his lips "I'm glad I met you too" i reply, he kisses my neck "Jackson" I warn "We have work to do" I continue as he still kisses my neck "It'll still be there when we're finished" replies Jackson, i laugh "very charming" i remark, he smirks "charming is my middle name" replies Jackson "alright fine then" i give in

Jackson kisses me and then he kisses along my jawline, i remove our shirts and kiss Jackson. I kiss down his neck.

At that moment, my pager goes off "It's a 911" i say, Jackson groans and pouts but i just laugh as i put my "I need to go, Jackson, it's a 911 from Holland for the ER" i state, Jackson sighs and gets his shirt back on "I'll go with you, they might need extra help" says Jackson, i nod and we both make our way to the ER as quickly as possible

"What happened?" I ask Holland as i get to the ER "A train crash, a few compartments caught fire" replies Holland, and then i see the sea of patients. Well shit then "Some of these are gonna have to go to other hospitals" i say, and that's what Meredith orders, the ambulances take some patients to various different hospitals because we don't have the space for everyone and they all need urgent care.

I take a man in his mid twenties, almost a whole half of his body is burnt. I clean the burns and he gets taken to the OR and I make a skin graft and i repeat this process for hours until I leave.

Thank god I got our baby sitter, Zoey to look after the kids. Natalie went to college so she couldn't look after the kids anymore but let's just say i gave her a generous contribution to help start her off and she was very upset to leave Finlay.

We get home and Heaven and Finlay engulf us in hugs "Sorry for being late" says Jackson "Thank you, Zoey, let me give you extra money" I say, handing her a $20 bill. Zoey smiles at me and nods "Thank you, Ivy, it was a pleasure, we had a tea part for the princess' birthday" says Zoey, i smile "that's lovely" i say

"Momma look at what Zoey got me!" exclaims Heaven, she flashes me a pink bracelet that has a small princess hanging from it "oh that's so pretty! What do you say to Zoey?" I say, she hugs Zoey and smiles "Thank you, Zoey" says Heaven "You're welcome, Princess" says Zoey.

Zoey bids us goodbye and we watch as she safely gets into her car and drives home. "Now what does the birthday girl want for dinner?" I ask, Heaven thinks for a moment "McDonalds!" Exclaims Heaven and that's what we get.


Hello there my lovelies!

So, I did a time skip bc i had a bit of writer's block hehe but i hope this was a good chapter!

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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