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It's been a week since I started at Grey Sloan Memorial and Jackson seems...distant. Ever since that dinner with his parents he just seems out of it. He took a few days off as well so he's back today.

As I walk to the Daycare i spot Jackson with a little girl in his arms "Hey, Mr Bigshot" I say smiling, he offers me a half smile "Hey, Ivy" says Jackson monotonously "who's this cutie?" i ask, bumping Finlay up on my hip "oh this is my daughter, Harriet, April asked me if I could take her for a few extra days and obviously I couldn't refuse time with my little angel" replies Jackson, a genuine smile spreading across his face as he looks at his daughter

"Aw she's adorable" I say smiling and waving at Harriet who giggles "isn't she just" says Jackson. We walk to the daycare together and put our kids down and say goodbye before leaving to go up to the Plastics floor "what're you doing this morning?" Asks Jackson, I shrug

"Just files what about you?" I ask, he nods "same" he replies, I smile at him and grab my files as we reach the Plastics floor "well then looks like we'll be spending this morning together then, Mr Bigshot" I say "looks so" replies Jackson.

We sit in an empty on call room together updating files and it's nice. "I don't mean to pry but you've been rather...distant since your parent's dinner and I was just wondering what happened?" I ask "you don't have to tell me" I add hastily before he thinks I'm being nosy

"my parents told me they were celebrating their anniversary so I thought that it would be nice to bring Vic. Turns out it was a bad idea because my parents announced their divorce. I should be fine with it really, Richard isn't my dad and my mom's been through this before but with Richard she was finally happy and now she's not. Oh and Vic broke up with me because she thought the relationship wasn't working so that was great. But I mean, I should be fine with that too, it wasn't like we'd been together long" says Jackson.

I put a comforting hand on his shoulder "You have every right to be upset, you don't have to be fine with things ending because they were short lived. Oh and no offence to Vic I'm sure she's nice but she's a bit stupid if she dumped you. I mean, you're Jackson Avery, you're awesome or whatever" I console, smirking at my last words, which also earns a smirk out of him.

For a moment we're just looking into each other's eyes, both of us edging closer to the other, Jackson's hand cups my cheek and our lips meet. We kiss for a prolonged moment before he pulls away "I-I'm sorry" says Jackson, "I can't, I just" stutter Jackson "what is it?" I ask softly

"I couldn't do that to you, I tend to fuck everything up" says Jackson, I laugh and shake my head "I doubt that very much" I say "some relationships end, others don't. It's not down to the person but down to the dynamics of the relationship. If the feelings aren't even the relationship is unbalanced" I state

"Wow ok, Einstein" says Jackson smiling "is that my new name?" I ask, Jackson shrugs "it could be" says Jackson, i smile "look, I like you, I do, I don't know what it is about you but I just feel this sort of connection but I've only known you a week and I've just gotten out of a relationship. Besides I barely know anything about you" says Jackson

"Well, Mr Bigshot, that's understandable. The answer to that last sentence is, get to know me" I reply, he smirks and rolls his eyes "alright then what's your favourite colour?" Asks Jackson, I think on that one for a moment "Blue" I reply "yours?" I ask "Green" he replies, "favourite flower?" Asks Jackson "Poppy" i reply "yours?" I ask "orchids" replies Jackson

"Middle name?" Asks Jackson, I nod "Tate" I reply "you?" I ask but he shakes his head "favourite food?" Asks Jackson "lasagne" I reply, "yours?" I ask, he nods "same" states Jackson. That's one similarity.

Just at that moment the door opens and two people stumble in. Kissing. Jackson and I just sit there for a moment utterly perplexed before Jackson seems to realise what's happening and clears his throat. The two men break apart, one of which i know to be Levi Schmitt "Nico, Levi, what're you doing?" Asks Jackson, they both look rather embarrassed yet surprised

"I- we- well, this is an on call room and we thought it would be empty but um...sorry for interrupting whatever was going on" stutters Levi "we were just doing files" I assure them, they nod "well we'll um...we'll be off then" says Nico. Jackson nods and they hurry out the room, poor men.

"Well that was...interesting" says Jackson "poor blokes, common mistake really, just unlucky it happened to them" I say, he nods "well I've got a surgery scheduled in five minutes so I best go scrub in, I'll see you later and maybe then I can get to know you better" says Jackson, I smile "my mom is going to babysit tomorrow night so I'm going out to the bar across the road" I say

"I'll see you there. Until then I'll see you after surgery" says Jackson, I nod and watch him leave.

Do I have a date with Jackson Avery? Yes, yes I think I do. Right, now to do Post op and Pre op.

At the end of the day I head down to the daycare to pick up Finlay and bump into Holland "hey" i say, she smiles and waves at me "hey, Ivy" says Holland

"How's your son, Cruz?" I ask, she smiles and nods "yeah all good, milking the broken arm a bit but he's alright, still off school but he'll be back soon" replies Holland, I nod "good to hear" I say.

With that we bid our goodbyes and part ways.


Hello there my lovelies!

So there's a lot of crossovers in this story but how'd you feel about Nico and Levi being caught in the act? And The kiss? And the date? And Ivy and Holland's friendship? Let me know! I love reading your comments they always make me smile :))

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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