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Jackson's POV

What the fuck is happening? Ivy's been gone for a good hour now and now there's two different officers here Sergeant Amelia Wilson and Sergeant Adam Jameson "How can I help you, officers?"
I ask

"Mr Avery, you were used in Mrs Avery's alibi for where she was last night and so we need to take you in for questioning but we were told by Mrs Avery that you have two young children and so we are giving you time to find a suitable carer that can look after them for now" explains Amelia, i nod.

I call my mom "Hey, mom can you come look after Heaven and then pick up Finlay, Ivy's ex was murdered last night and they've made her a suspect which I know is absurd but they want me in for questioning as well" I explain, there's silence for a moment "I'll be there in 5" replies mom before hanging up the phone

After mom arrives i go with the officers to the station and sit in a questioning room with them. "First question, Mr Avery, how did you know Arrow Clarke?" Asks Adam "well, I didn't really know him, he's my wife's ex boyfriend who I heard from her was a jerk and I was right. I first met him when he tried to take his anger out on my girlfriend. After that I met him again when I was ring shopping to engage to my wife when he cornered me with three other friends and beat the living daylights out of me, I had broken ribs and was off work for like eight weeks. Yesterday he tried to take my step son with him despite my step son saying he didn't want to see him" i explain

"Right so Arrow has done a lot of things to anger you" says Amelia, i nod "would you say these would be motives for murder?" Asks Adam, i shake my head "god no, I'm a surgeon, my job is to save lives, not end them, no matter who it is. Arrow was a jerk but I would have never wanted to kill him" i reply, they nod

"We understand and respect that, Mr Avery, just one more question" says Adam, i nod "Where were you at around 9-10 PM yesterday night?" Asks Adam, i frown "I was at home with my two kids, Finlay and Heaven and my wife, Ivy, the kids were asleep and Ivy and I were chilling on the couch watching old episodes of Lee Evans, we didn't leave the house last night because Ivy and I were exhausted from having a few back to back surgeries" I reply, they nod

"Perfect, that's all for now, thank you, Mr Avery" says Amelia as we all stand up, i nod "sure, no problem, just one question, what's happening with my wife? Because when she was arrested they said that she would need a formal court hearing and that could ruin her career, she's a surgeon as well, surgeons can't have criminal records, she'll have her license revoked" I ask, rambling on "don't worry, Mr Avery, we're going to your wife now, follow us" replies Adam, i nod and follow them.

I see Ivy in a holding cell and they open it "Mrs Avery, we have gone over your questioning and we questioned your husband, you're in the clear, you are allowed to leave, thank you for being calm, collective and cooperative" says Amelia, she smiles and nods "of course, you're doing your job I understand" says Ivy

"If I may ask, how was Arrow killed? Only because I will have to tell my son that his father is dead and four year olds ask questions" Asks Ivy, they share a look before nodding "He was ran over by an SUV, we know you drive an SUV and that you knew Arrow, that's the only thing we have right now, they were driving too quickly to catch the license plate" replies Amelia, Ivy grimaces "that must be difficult, that's barely anything to go on but I hope I helped a little" replies Ivy

"Thank you, Mr and Mrs Avery, have a good rest of your day" says Adam, we smile and nod "No worries, have a great day guys" I say, we smile and wave goodbye as we walk out of the station

"What a fucking day" I say, Ivy nods in agreement. I stop her by the car and she gives me a confused look before i kiss her "them taking you away scared the living shit out of me" I say, she smiles and rolls her eyes "it kinda scared me too" she admits and kisses me back "Ivy I love you so so so much" I say, she giggles and shakes her head "I love you even more you hopeless romantic" she replies

I smirk as we get in the car and drive home. "Oh good your back" says mom with relief "I was so worried when Jackson told me what happened but obviously we both knew you were innocent" says mom as she hugs Ivy, Ivy smiles "thank you, Catherine" says  Ivy

"Mommy!" Exclaims Finlay as he flings himself at Ivy "I missed you mommy!" Exclaims Finlay "I missed you too buddy" replies Ivy "Hey, dad" says Finlay, I smile and ruffle his hair before I pick him up "Hey buddy!" I exclaim

Heaven crawls over to us and Ivy picks her up and kisses her forehead "who wants McDonalds for dinner?" Asks Ivy, Finlay cheers "Catherine are you staying?" Asks Ivy, mom smiles and nods "I think I will, I want to spend some more time with my grand children" says Mom, Ivy smiles and nods "Well, Jackson and I will go get dinner after we've written all the orders down" says Ivy and that's what we do.

After writing down all orders including Heaven's which is just some nuggets, we head out to McDonalds. What a weird day.


Hello there my lovelies!

Whats this? A double update?! *gasp*. I feel like my content has been lacking recently so to make up for it i double updated but this story is literally getting so much love and i appreciate that so much like 🥺

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all so much!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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