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I'm currently waiting for Finlay to come out of Kindergarten and when he does he's laughing and walking with a small boy who has pale skin, light brown fluffy hair and freckles over his nose.

"Momma! This is my bestest friend Holden" says Finlay as he runs up to me, Holden trailing after him. I crouch down to their height "Hey there, Holden, where's your mommy?" I ask, he looks around and points behind him "over there" says Holden

"Why don't we go take you to your mommy yeah?" I ask, he nods and leads the way. "Holden, there you are!" Says a woman who looks around my age, the same pale skin as Holden, green eyes and auburn shoulder-length hair "who's this?" Asks the woman "Mommy this is my bestest friend Finlay and his mom" says Holden, i smile

"Hey, I'm Ivy Avery, Finlay's mom" I say, holding out a hand for her to shake "Hello, I'm Jenifer Groff, Holden's mom" replies Jenifer, shaking my hand "Finlay talks about Holden quite a bit" I say, Jenifer ruffles her son's hair "I've heard a fair amount about Finlay as well" replies Jenifer "I thought we might be able to arrange a playdate" I say

"I think that would be lovely, Holden's never had a playdate before" says Jenifer "neither has Finlay" I reply, ruffling Finlay's hair "well, I don't mind having Holden over next time my husband and I are off. The only reason is I'm a surgeon so I have long hours, Finlay usually stays in the daycare at the hospital with my one year old daughter until my husband and I are finished and then we take them home" I explain "Oh a surgeon that's impressive! Well I don't mind Finlay coming over either in fact, Holden was asking if Finlay could come over today and I told him so long as his mom was ok with it" says Jenifer

"Oh yeah sure that's fine" I reply. We exchange numbers and hug Finlay "You be good for Mrs Groff ok? I'll pick you up later" I say, Finlay nods and kisses my cheek "bye, momma, I love you" says Finlay "bye Fin, I love you too" I reply and he goes off with Holden and Jenifer

When I get back to the hospital i see Jackson and hug him from behind "Hey" I say kissing his neck, he smiles, turns and kisses my lips "Hey" replies Jackson

"So, I met Holden's mom today" I say, he raises his eyebrows "oh really?" Asks Jackson "Yeah, she was really nice. Holden asked her if Fin could go over to his today and I saw no problem with it so I let him go" I say, Jackson frowns at me "why'd you do that?" Asks Jackson, i give him a confused look "what? I got his mom's number made sure he was ok" I reply "But I didn't get a say in it?" Asks Jackson "I didn't think it would be an issue" I reply

"Obviously not" says Jackson, i pull away from him "woah, who shoved a stick up your ass, Jackson?" I ask, he rolls his eyes "I was just saying maybe once in a while you should ask me about things Finlay does" replies Jackson

"It's just a playdate" I state, he sighs in frustration "That's not the point, Ivy, the point is I feel like you just make decisions for Finlay on your own, you decided to tell Finlay Arrow died without me and you told him Holden could have a playdate at ours without me and now you've sent him to some kids house that I don't even know" Says Jackson, is he being serious? "I'm sorry, Jackson, I'm just used to looking after Finlay on my own" I state "Ivy, we've been married for almost a year and we've been together for longer than that" says Jackson

"Yeah and I was alone on my own for what? Six almost seven years before that, Jackson so sorry if this partner thing is new to me ok? I've been in shitty relationships and toxic friendships so I'm not used to the whole normal thing. I'm sorry I made you feel left out but you can't just start having a go at me for shit like this when it's all I know. I know I'm not the best wife or the best mom and I'm definitely not the best person but I'm trying ok? I'm trying so don't you dare try and have a go at me for making decisions for my son. Yes, you're his dad and you're a damn good one but don't downgrade me for leaving you out" I state angrily before storming off

If he wants to be an asshole he can take his anger elsewhere i'm not dealing with it.

Later on I get Heaven and get in the car with Jackson who doesn't talk to me and i don't talk to him. I don't plan on talking to him until he at least calms the fuck down.

My phone rings after putting Heaven down and I answer it "Hey, Jenifer" I say "Hey, Ivy, I was just wondering what time you were coming to pick up Finlay" asks Jenifer "I can come get him now if you want? Is he ok? Is he behaving?" I ask "Yeah, perfect, He's been an angel but Holden has a schedule, he's autistic, he likes sticking to schedules" says Jenifer "sure, I'm on my way" I say

"I'm going to go get Finlay" I say as soon as Jenifer texts me her address. I don't wait for Jackson's reply before leaving the house, getting in the car and driving to Jenifer's house.

"Hey, Ivy" says Jenifer as she opens the door "Hey Jenifer" I reply, she beckons me inside "Finlay your mom's here" says Jenifer. Two sets of footsteps come running down the stairs "Hey, momma" says Finlay "Hey, Fin" I reply.

After a little while I leave with Finlay and take him home where he just goes to bed because he said he was tired.


Hello there my lovelies!

Bit of tension for y'all! I hope you liked this chapter!

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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