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Jackson and i have been together for six months now which means i'm pretty far along and so big that i've had to exchange my scrubs for bigger ones but i genuinely can't wait for the baby to come.

Tonight Jackson has asked me to be ready by 7:00PM and get Finlay a sitter which probably means a surprise date which i love with him, he's always such a romantic.

I decide to put on a black maxi dress that fits well over my bump and i put my hair into a bun to keep my hair out of my eyes, i then do a light bit of makeup because i look like trash, in my opinion anyway, Jackson always says otherwise

At 6:45 the babysitter turns up, i hired a babysitter called Natalie, she's 19 and is a college student but i did an extensive interview and she's actually been a part time sitter for three years and she's so good with Finlay. "Hello, Natalie darling" I say sweetly, Natalie smiles "Hey, Ivy, you look great tonight" says Natalie as she steps over the threshold "always so kind" i say "money's on the counter for if you wanna order pizza or something and i'll pay you at the end of the night, i shouldn't be back late" i add

"thank you, Ivy" says Natalie, i smile and nod "Finlay's in the living room watching Peppa Pig" i say, Natalie smiles and walks into the living room "Natalie!" Finlay exclaims, i smile and take a peek into the living room and see Finlay embracing Natalie with a smile on his face "Hey, Fin!" says Natalie

5 minutes later there's a knock at the door "Jackson hey!" I exclaim, he smiles and kisses me "sorry i'm early, i couldn't wait" says Jackson, roll my eyes and shake my head "Natalie i'm leaving now, have fun, i'll be home soon" i say, Natalie pops her head round to see me off "bye, Ivy, have a good night" says Natalie, i offer my thanks and bid my goodbye before shutting the door behind me and walking hand in hand with Jackson to his car.

We get to a nice restaurant that has a romantic setting, it's dimly lit with little tables intended for couples with roses in vases and candles "Jackson this is so beautiful" i gush, he smiles and shrugs as he pulls out my chair for me and tucks it in, a true gentleman "like i always say, the perfect date for the perfect girl" replies Jackson, i blush.

After we order, me ordering spaghetti bolognese and Jackson ordering a steak. "So, is there a reason for this surprise date?" I ask as i'm genuinely curious to know "well, there will be when we get to the destination" replies Jackson, i frown "what do you mean?" I ask, he smirks "well, this is just like a starter, afterwards i have somewhere else to take you" says Jackson "you're full of surprised" i reply "i'll take that as a compliment" says Jackson, i laugh.

After having eaten, we head back to Jacksons car where we head on to our next destination, one of which i still don't know.

Eventually we arrive at...the beach? Jackson takes my hand and we walk further so we're now on the sand but we keep walking until we're nearly walking in the water.

"So, Ivy Fletcher, you are someone very special to my heart" says Jackson, i raise my eyebrows "is that so, Jackson Avery?"
I ask smiling "well, i'd say you're someone very special to my heart as well" i add, he smiles "don't worry that wasn't the surprise" says Jackson which earns him a genuine laugh from me

"Ivy, we're going to have a baby in three months and we've been together for six months and even though it seems impossible, I seem to love you more and more everyday and I've thought about this over for a month or so but I've come to the conclusion that I'm ready to ask you this and it's kind of big but I think that we're both ready for this" says Jackson, wait is he going to propose because i'm certainly not ready for that, anxiety begins to rise within me as i overthink what he just said but before i can say anything he carries on

"Ivy, I love you so much and I want to be around you all the time, I wanna be able to see you outside of work without you always having to get a sitter, I want to wake up next to you. I want to be with you all the time because I love you so much. So, Ivy, will you move in with me?" Asks Jackson, i'm stand there kind of shocked for a moment "what about Finlay?" I ask "well, I assumed that it was implied he was coming as well, you can't just abandon your son" replies Jackson, i can't help but laugh, i shake my head "no i mean are you sure you want this? You want me to move into your flat with my kid?" I ask, he shakes his head

"Not my flat no" says Jackson, i frown at him "what? move into my flat?" i ask, he shakes his head again, where are we living then? "No, I- I um- I kind of bought a house in our name" says Jackson "it's four bedroom and don't worry it wasn't pricey but it's got a room for us, a room for Finlay, a room for Harriet when she stays and a room for our little baby girl" replies Jackson, i gape at him

"Jackson- I- how do I? This is so amazing" i say, i throw myself at him and kiss him "so is that a yes?" Ask Jackson, i chuckle and nod "yes yes! of course!" i exclaim, he picks me up which must be a hardship and kisses me

"Hey I love you" says Jackson

"I love you more"


Hello there my lovelies!

so this is some more wholesome content bc i love them so much and well jackson is a big softie aha! I hope y'all enjoyed it tho!

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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