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After a while of just sitting there with Jackson holding his hand, April comes in accompanied by my mother, father, Jasmine and Harley and to my surprise Zayden as well.

"April, what are you doing here?" Asks Jackson "April's the closest friend I have in Seattle" I reply, he gapes at the both of us "momma, pops, Jay, Har!" I exclaim as I see my family, my mother cradling Heaven in her arms "Hey, Ivy" says Jasmine "Hey, Jay" I reply, dad engulfs me into a hug "Hey, bubs" says Dad, i smile at him

"So, what's my granddaughter's name?" Asks mom "Heaven Catherine Avery" I reply "Cathrine after my mother" chimes Jackson "You must be the infamous Jackson" says Dad, i cringe internally "Ivy, why is your boyfriend in a hospital bead all beaten a bruised?" Asks Dad, Jackson chuckles and winces "He got cornered and battered" I reply, dad lets out a low whistle "who did this to you, son?" Asks dad

"It was Arrow" Says Jackson, Dad's face contorts into a dark expression "I heard he has a few cronies, well, we're in town for a few weeks so we can help as much as possible with Heaven" says Dad, i smile at him "thanks, pops" i say

I walk over to Zayden and hug him tightly "Hey there, Poison Ivy" says Zayden, i smile at my nickname "hey there, Zap" i reply "so you got yourself knocked up again, is this guy a keeper?" Asks Zayden, i smile and nod "he sure is" i reply as i return to Jackson's side "in fact i have an announcement" i state

"I just proposed, we're getting married" Says Jackson, finishing the announcement for me. The room goes awfully quiet, an unsettling sort of quiet. Not the reaction we were hoping for "that's wonderful sweetheart" says Mom, oh god

"Well I better get going, Ivs, Matthew will wonder where I am" says April, i nod and hug her before she leaves "We best be on our way as well, we need to go back to the hotel room, we had a long flight" says Dad, i nod "we'll look after Heaven tonight" says mom, i smile at her "thanks, momma" i reply before hugging my family before they leave. I can tell they aren't happy.

"Did I do something wrong?" Asks Jackson, i shake my head "no, no not you, I have a tendency to be the family screw up" i reply, Jackson frowns at me as i slump down on the chair next to his bed "how did you screw up?" Asks Jackson, i sigh "because my family know nothing about you, because we named our baby after your mother, anything and everything really" i reply, holding my head in my hands

"You told my mom that your mom would be fine with the whole name thing" says Jackson "I thought they'd all be fine with it" I reply "When dad married mom he took her last name Fletcher because he didn't want to associate with his parents so i gave my child my fathers name and my mothers middle name so he represented both of them. I think they're more annoyed at the fact that she's Avery rather than Fletcher but that's not their call" I add

"How about we spend the next few weeks with your family so they can get to know me then we can begin wedding planning" suggests Jackson "that sounds like a solid plan" i say "you always know what to do" i add, kissing him, he kisses me back and smiles "I'm Jackson Avery, I'm brilliant or whatever" says Jackson, i can't help but laugh "there it is, music to my ears that laugh of yours" says Jackson, i shake my head "such a flirt" i comment, he smirks "listen, you should get some sleep" i say

"what are you going to do?" Asks Jackson "probably talk to my parents" i reply, he grimaces. "Good luck" says Jackson, i kiss him "i'll see you late" i reply.

I find out what hotel my parents are staying at and their room number. I knock on their door and dad answers "we need to talk" i state bluntly, he lets me in because he knows we need to talk

"What sort of reaction was that?" I ask as soon as I have mom and dad together "I say I'm getting married and you run away?" I continue, mom grimaces and dad sighs "we know nothing about the boy and he didn't ask for our blessing" replies Dad "Zayden didn't ask for a blessing when he married Bella and they're fine" I retort "thats different" says Dad, i sigh and roll my eyes "of course it is, because this is me and I'm the family disappointment" I reply

"Ivy Tate Fletcher that is not true!" says mom "but it is, I get myself knocked up twice by two different men before I'm married and now I'm planning on getting married but that was the wrong move as well. I talk about Jackson all the time I've told you guys about him" i say "look, he's willing to spend as much time with you over the next few weeks as you will allow for you to get to know him, he really wants to marry me" i add

"Look, Ivy, I'm just trying to look out for you, after Arrow I've always been cautious of you. I just want to make sure Jackson really is a nice guy and isn't just putting on an act" replies Dad

"I know you're being cautious but you could've looked happier at the news. Jackson thinks its all his fault, he thinks you guys don't approve and that you don't like him and I don't want him to feel like that" I say exasperatedly, Dad pulls me in for a hug and kisses the top of my head "I'm sorry, bubs, I'm happy for you of course, I'm proud of you and I love you" says Dad "I love you too, pops" i reply


Hello there my lovelies!

A bit more drama for y'all! I hope you're all okay!

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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