1.2 A New Dawn

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Edited 02-10-21 4:41 PM
Edited 02-14-21 3:18 PM

Esperanza had woken up in the middle of the night. With a annoyed groan she turned her head to look at the snoring JJ. His arms were tightly wrapped around her waist. Rolling her eyes as she sighed she pried his hands away from her body, Why does he always wrap his arms around me when we're sleeping, she thought to herself. She slowly got out of bed so, with one last glance at JJ she walked into the kitchen to get a cup of water. She had ran into Kiara on the way back to the room.

"Hey Kie. What are you doing awake?" Esperanza asked with a small smile played out on her lips.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm worried about John B" she said looking back at Esperanza, who sent her a knowing smile.

"I understand but this is John B. He'll find away to stay right here. He's been talking himself out of things since 3rd grade. He's a Roach." Esperanza said rubbing her back as she walked passed her and back into the room which unsurprisingly JJ moved over and was talking up half the bed. "Seriously?" She laughed to herself before turning around to go back to Kiara's bed,"I'm coming to bed with you. JJ invited a girl over and I really don't feel like being woken up early in the morning." she said climbing in Kiara's bed.

When Esperanza woke up again she looked at her phone seeing it was 9 AM. She was also shirtless but JJ had a girl over so now she was weighing her options. Walk in on JJ and his female friend or just walk around shirtless - so she made her way over to the bedroom door and slowly opened it causing the girl to gasp.

"Didn't peg you of the backshots kind of guy, Maybank. Always thought you enjoyed getting rode. Nice to know." Esperanza teased walking over to the dresser. JJ pulling away from the girl, who Esperanza knew as Vanessa, and covered himself up with the blanket.

"Es get out!" JJ sighed fighting back a smile at the sight of the girl.

"Calm down Maybank. I'm just getting my shirt." Esperanza said to him grabbing one of his and holding it up.

"That's mine!"

"Your point is?" She asked with a raised brow and JJ pressed his tongue to his cheek shaking his head and still trying not to smile. Esperanza however was grinning from ear to ear.

"You and that damned smile, Mendoza." he chuckled at her.

"Tell your bitch to get out JJ!" Vanessa said in disbelief.

"Says the one who's literally on all fours, sweetie." Esperanza teased with a wink. "Arf."

"Yeah you gotta get dressed. Calling her a bitch is a turn off." JJ said tossing Vanessa her clothes.

"Are you serious right now?" She asked in disbelief before grabbing her clothes after seeing the expression on JJ's face not changing, she turned back to Esperanza with stone hard glare. "Take any oxy lately Esperanza? Maybe we'll both get lucky and you'll overdose."

"Buh bye, puppy." Esperanza smiled leaning against the dresser. Though she had to find the urge not to snatch Vanessa by her hair. “You make it so easy!” she called out.

"Es you're not funny." JJ said but the look on his face and the tone in voice told another sentence.

"On the contrary baby. Vanessa? That horny huh?" Esperanza said with a knowing smile. JJ's female friend flicked Esperanza's forehead on the way out so in response Esperanza kicked the back of the knee before ripping off the bed sheets and throwing them at JJ,"You wash." And with that she plopped down on the sheetless bed with JJ's shirt still in hand,"If you keep staring at my breasts you might wanna just take a picture. I don't mind. My cameras right there." Esperanza's hand fell lazily and pointed in the direction of her camera.

"You think your hilarious do you?" JJ asked her.

"I do, yeah." She nodded at him. JJ chuckled as he plopped down next to her, which prompted Esperanza to push him off,"You're naked, stay away from me. Cooties" she joked as JJ landed on the floor while laughing.

After John B had left for his dcs meeting. She walked outside to see Pope reading a book and JJ mowing the lawn. Esperanza peered over the boys shoulder to see what he was reading.

"Good Morning." She said high five-ing Pope and sitting down on the steps. Getting a notification on her phone that John Bs DCS assessment is tomorrow. She felt her heart drop inside her chest. Had she really forgotten?

"Holy Shit" she whispered to herself standing up. She ran back inside and started throwing the beer cans and trash into a bag the way she always did. Ever since John B's dad died, or as John B likes to say disappeared, John B didn't care about how his house looked to his friends. So everytime he has an inspection Esperanza would always be the one to clean up all the beer cans and food wrappers because if she didn't look out for the boy, no one would. She tied the bag and threw it into the can outside.

"Alright boys. I got to go home i will see you guys later. Love you all." She said as she grabbed her stuff and ran down the drive way.

"Hey asshole! Do a flip" JJ called out to her jokingly, Esperanza shook her head with a smile before doing a quick backflip as JJ whistled at her. Esperanza laughing as she ran off.

She walked into her house and dropped her things on the table beside her door. She walked passed her bathroom, it was easy to ignore the huge blood stain in the floor. She knocked on her mother's door,“Mami?” she called out before opening the door, JJ must have put it back on it's hinges while she was in rehab. She let out a sigh when she had seen her mother passed out on her bed, a wash rag in one and and bleach in the other. Her mother had obviously been cleaning in anticipation of her only daughter coming home.

Esperanza had walked back into the kitchen. The medicine cabinet had a lock on it. She assumed that was placed because of her. Along with the knife cabinet. That was also because of her. The hallways had been spackled over. The glass had been taped up and covered with seran wrap. The photo of her parents and her had obviously been placed into another picture frame. She grabbed a bowl and the cereal. She had walked into the living room and picked up her remote, scrolling through whatever shows the antenna was showing.

When Esperanza retreated to her bedroom, many hours later, JJ had called Esperanza and asked if he could come over because he was having problems with his dad again. Of course she said yes, without thinking twice, but to crawl in through her window. Esperanza leaves a ladder by her window for the pogues. But it's usually JJ who comes over. A few minutes later he opens it and climbs inside. Esperanza immediately brings him into a hug nuzzling her head into his chest as his arms wrap around her. Seconds later he lays down with her on the bed. She had already locked the door so Elena wouldn't walk in. Though she was shocked to see that she still had a lock. And that her room was actually clean.

"This sucks" she said quietly while looking at him. "I want everything to stop. I want to stop feeling every little thing so much. I want oxy. But I can't get it." Esperanza admitted. She adjusted her position on his chest before going to sleep as he ran his fingers through her long brown hair.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕥 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤¹|JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now