1.10 Red Field Lighthouse

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Later that day, the Pogues were at Red field lighthouse for another little adventure concocted by John B.

"You're gonna post up and look out for bogeys, okay?" John b said turning to JJ.

"Wait what? Why me?" JJ says offended.

"Because you're not coming" John B said answering JJ.

"Why?" JJ says throwing his hands up in the air as john b rolls his eyes

"There are independent and dependent variables. You're independent. We don't know what you'll do." Pope says to JJ.

"Pope, Es you guys stay here as well. If we split up. We meet at JJs" John b says walking away.

"Okay be careful guys" Esperanza says walking back into the van.

"I'm gonna work on my merit scholarship essay, and I'm trying to keep felonies to a minimum." Pope says to Esperanza and JJ.

"Would you shut up already" JJ says rolling his eyes at Pope.

"Hey JJ" Esperanza says turning around.

"Hmm?" JJ hummed looking down at her.

"Could you be a doll and lift me up on to the roof of the car. I'm going to tan since it might take awhile" She asks sweetly.

"Alright sure asshole" JJ smiles down at her and lifts her up climbing up after her and laying down.

"Why are you up here?" she said looking at him.

"Tanning" he smiled still looking up at the sky.

"Can you guys get down here for the love of god." Pope called out to the two.

"Sure umm lemme just roll off and rip my stitches that are by the way not put in my leg by a professional, because i very much only watched one video on YouTube a long time ago, Buzz kill" the girl said in sarcasm.

"Pope calm down. We're not gonna fuck up here" JJ said laughing.


"What?" JJ asked looking at the girl hopefully.

"Just come down. Incase we need to leave" He said sighing.

"Oh my gosh fine. Just shut up" Esperanza says as she hopped off the roof, well she slowly lowered herself down the best she could and sat in the car. A few seconds later JJ and Pope were on the outside playing soccer while Esperanza recorded them when they heard sirens. After freaking out Pope got inside the van and drove to JJ's house.

"Holy shit that was crazy" Esperanza said laughing.

After a few minutes of Waiting for Kiara and John B, Esperanza decided it be best for her to head home.

"Mom?" Esperanza called out before her mom came around the corner and smiled.

"I- uhh wanna show you something" her mom said as she handed Esperanza a piece of paper. Esperanza smiled at her and turned it around.

"An ultrasound?" She asked looking up and her mom nodded and smiled. So the girl smiled back. The two talked to it for a few minutes before Esperanza headed to bed. Esperanza was finally coming around to it.

Esperanza got up from her bed after someone was banging on the door for at least five minutes.

"Do you not hear that mom?" Esperanza complained walking into the living room,"JJ i swear to god if you're banging on my door at 3 in the morning." She said opening the door and slowly backing up away from it. The square groupers were right infront of her. And they had JJ. Esperanza stumbling as they pushed JJ into her.

"What the hell?" Esperanza asked them.

"You're gonna give us the compass pretty lady." The taller one said to her.

"I don't have it!" She said to them.

"Oh bullshit. We know you have it!" The short one said to her as she shook her head struggling to find the words,"You want to be quiet fine. You asked for this." He said before putting a bullet between JJ's eyes.

"No! JJ!" Esperanza screamed running to him. Grabbing his face with tears running down her face as she sobbed into his chest before angrily turning to the men"What the hell! You psychos! Why did you do that!"

"Shut up!" He yelled in her face as she stood up glaring at him.

"I don't have your stupid compass!" She growled at them,"So either kill me or get the hell out of my house."

"Right. I guess your friend Routeledge is gonna end up like you two." He said pointing the gun at her before squeezing the trigger.

Esperanza jolted up panting. She looked around her room. Back in the safety of her bedroom. She picked up her phone to see that it hasn't even been an hour yet.

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