1.6 Land of the Dead

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Edited 2-16-21 8:08 PM

Esperanza walked around a field. It seemed familiar but she couldn't quite place it until she walked around and seen a familiar silhouette standing on a dock.

"Dad? Dad hi. I missed you so much." Hope smiled at the sight of her father, feeling as though she was sinking further and further, but in the so called reality she took off running.

"Hope? No. You can't be here. Not yet." Her dad said to her as he turned around,"Hope wake up!"

"Hope wake up!" JJ cried pushing on her chest. This felt like a story he had seen before. No. It was a story he had seen before. Too many times.

"It's okay. I want to be here with you. Mom has gone bat shit crazy daddy." Hope softly told him.

"Hope listen to me. It is not your time yet. And your mom has a lot going on right now. She'll explain when you get home." He said stepping closer to her.

"Hope!" JJ yelled before breathing into her mouth as the other pogues paced. He couldn't save her the first time but he was gonna save her this time.

"I don't understand. Are you not happy to see me?" Hope said tears brimming her eyes.

"I would be. If it was your time. Hope wake up." He told her.

"Hope wake up!" JJ said pushing onto her chest again.

"Hope you can't die yet?" He said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Am i ever gonna see again?" Hope said letting the tears fall.

"Hope please. Please come back." JJ cried still pushing on her chest. Kie leaned into John B as she sobbed.

"No, not for awhile and that's okay. But when you do. I'll be waiting for you, hermosa. And you're gonna tell me all about your epic love. You got a boy out there who needs you to wake up. Now wake up."

"Hope." JJ cried getting ready to push on her chest again as she shot up gasping for air while also coughing out water viscously. JJ immediately pulling her into his arms not caring that her hair or clothes were getting him wet.

"Holy shit." Kie said wiping away her tears.

"Welcome back to the land of the living Hope." Pope tried to Joke.

"Am I dead? am I dead?" She cried into his chest.

"You're not going to die. I won't let that happen ever again okay? Not you. You're too important." JJ whispered in her ear.

"I am going to kill Topper!" John B growled.

"Oh my God." Esperanza said still freaking out. She felt like a child again.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Shhhh" JJ whispered rocking her back and forth,"you, my beautiful Hope, aren't gonna die for a long time." JJ said before softly kissing her cheek, dangerously close to her lips and pulling her back into a hug as she sobbed.

After Esperanza telling them she wanted to go home they pogues dropped her off back at her house to see what her father was talking about. Esperanza walking inside running into her mom who sitting on the couch. Esperanza had stopped walking out of caution.

"Esperanza. Please sit." Her mom said nervously.

"Okay mom what's wrong?" Esperanza said slowly walking towards her.

"I've wanted to tell you this for a really long time. But I didn't want to tell you while you were at rehab." Elena spoke softly. Slightly ashamed at her behavior.

After talking to her mom and said she was going to her room, Esperanza jumped out her window and ran to the chateau. Instead of knocking she immediately walked in.

"Es?" John B said as he and JJ rushed out of their rooms.

"She's pregnant. She's fucking pregnant."

"What? Who?" JJ said stepping closer to Esperanza.

"My mom. She's pregnant."  She said. "Oh my god. I'm gonna be a big sister!” Esperanza added in a panic.

JJ had took Esperanza into the bedroom and calmed her down. JJ was suspicious of her being drunk for a hot minute, but he shut down the thought quickly. She hadn't had a drink since. And JJ knew she hadn't because the thing that feared her most of all was relapsing, and she was doing everything in her power to make sure that's not the case.

Esperanza chuckled and smiled,"I'm gonna be a big sister. Finally..."

JJ looked over at her. “Are you okay?”

She nodded. Then looked at him. “Are you?”

JJ sighed. This wasn't something that he really wanted to talk about tonight. But after what had happened at the Kegger. He looked at her. “I tell you everything. Everything that I'm comfortable sharing. Like how you tell me everything you're comfortable sharing. For you that's everything. For me it's most things.”

    “I know..” she mumbled.

    “I love that you trust me enough to share every moment of your life. I trust you that much too but there are some things that I want to keep tight in a vault somewhere way out of reach.” JJ told her. “I'm sorry I'm not as much as an open book as you are, Es.”

    “No, I'm sorry.” she told him. “You're my person. I just felt blindsided when you said it so casually.. and then again when Pope said that some girl had scarred you. I just wanted to fight her so bad." She said with a soft laugh.

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