1.5 Male Escorts And Keggers

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Edited 2-16-21 6:12 PM

After coming back from the motel the kids ran into a dead body being carried away, Scooter Grubbs. So now they were sitting on John B's porch. Esperanza stared at her hands that were held together. JJ grabbed her shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

"Okay. So, um... we didn't see anything." Pope said running onto John Bs porch,"We don't know anything. We need to have total and complete amnesia."

"Actually, Pope's right for once. See, I agree with you sometimes." JJ said standing up,"Deny, deny, deny."

"Guys, we can't keep that money." Kiara said looking towards the group. Esperanza looked down at her feet and wiggled them before kicking JJ with a soft laugh. The boy giving her a look, accompanied by a smile, before turning back to Kiara.

"Okay. Not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara." JJ sassed her.

"We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs," Kiara said trying to reason with the group but failing like usual "Otherwise, it's bad karma. Es please say you agree with me."

"Bad karma to be implicated in a felony, too. Sorry Lion King but we gotta go dark." Esperanza said to the them. Kiara let out a disappointed sigh.

"If that means we get to keep the money, then I agree." JJ smiles at the girl.

"Of course you do." Esperanza said confidentally. "Since you agree is there any secret you want to share?"

"I don't agree." John B says standing up.

"Okay well I'm smarter, book wise and street wise, so what you agree on doesn't matter." Esperanza said turning to face him.

"Bitch." He playfully said glaring at her.

"And I always fucking will be." Esperanza smiled with a light laugh.

"Think about it though," John B said,"This is Scooter Grubbs we're talking about. Same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole. Shit, one time I saw this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas. We're talking about a dirt bag marina rat who's never had more than 40 bucks in his pocket, and all of a sudden, he's got a Grady White? Just saying."

"All right, so think about it, Esperanza. How does a marina rat get a Grady-White?" John B said to the girl standing next to him as they were now on the dock.

"Prostitution." Esperanza smirked ready for her joke to play out.

"Be serious." John B said rolling his eyes.

"I am being serious why do you think JJ brings all those girls over. He's a male escort. Duh" Esperanza deadpanned earning a laugh from Kiara.

"That's not funny." JJ says standing up pointing at her.

"Yes it is" she said kissing the air at him before looking back at the water as he stared at her in awe. "Anyways I can't be Sirius because I'm not a wizard that can turn into a dog."

"Square groupers, bro." John B says getting back on topic as JJ turned his attention back onto his pole.

"Okay, flying under the radar, no aerial surveillance. They don't do that stuff during a hurricane. What does that mean? JJ?" John pointed at JJ.

"They were straight smuggling." JJ said still looking at the water as Esperanza admired his Jawline. Stop. Stop. What are you doing? That's your best friend. Besides remember what happened with your last boyfriend? No. She scolded herself mentally.

"Smugglin'." John B nodded, "And I guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband in that wreck."

"Hell yeah." JJ said reeling in his fishing line,"Fish on."

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