1.8 Death Compass

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Look, for nine months, they tried to get me to believe my dad's dead.They say I'm in denial.Whatever.Denial's underrated. You should try it sometime.It's highly effective, and it's only denial if you're wrong.It doesn't make any sense.My dad is the last guy who would ever get lost at sea.This compass coming back to me, my father's compass, which was passed down for generations, it's a sign. My dad's still alive, and I'm gonna find him.
〰John Booker Routeledge

JJ and Esperanza were walking up John Bs door because he said he needed their help. JJ was coming because why not have a little bit of destruction and Esperanza because of her charming nature,"Hey. You wanna tell me why you've been weird around me lately? JJ you're my best friend and would tell me if something was bothering you right? I mean I know that we talked about boundaries and all but your being weird."

"Yeah." He said to her avoiding eye contact.

"So what's bothering you because you can't even look at me. Did I say something that I don't remember?" Esperanza asked.

"Es, I love you and all but a man's got to have his secrets." JJ said to her.

"I love you too Jay but when did you become a man?" Esperanza asked teasingly. "Wanna do the honors?" Esperanza asked pointing at John B's door as JJ smirked.

"DCS! I know you're in there" JJ said banging on the door. John B had started freaking out inside. And as soon as John B sat up JJ jumped infront of the window scaring the shit out of John B making the girl laugh.

"Gotcha slick" JJ said laughing.

"You should've seen your face bro" Esperanza said still laughing as she opened the door.

John b had rolled his eyes at the two and made them get inside the twinkie as the were driving to Lana Grubbs house.

"I'm just saying, I don't understand why you don't at least try with Kiara." JJ said turning to John B once they started driving,"She clearly likes you."

"She's like, 'Oh, John B.'" Esperanza moaned mockingly speaking up.

"Is that what she does?" John B asks looking at up through the rear view mirror.

"She's sketching about you diving, then she kissed you." JJ said to John B changing the subject making Esperanza choke on air causing the boys to look back at the girl who just starts laughing.

"She kissed you?" She said with a voice crack from the laughter.

"She kissed me on the cheek. It's not like we were making' out." John B said explaining to the two,"Low hanging fruit. Bro."

"Don't pretend you don't notice. I see it in your eyes. You're like, "I kinda like that," and you start blushing." JJ said to John B.

"I blush?" John B turned asking JJ.

"You're blushing right now." Esperanza said to him pointing at his cheeks.

"Yeah" JJ said going to pick up the compass.

"Hey don't" John B said snatching the compass back from JJ.

"I was just looking" JJ said defending himself,"I gotta admit, your father's compass in Scooter's boat, that's freaky."

"What's freakier is that he died while it was in his possession, and before that your dad, and We were the ones who found the boat and you were the one to find it. But hey what do i know" Esperanza said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah. That's why we're going to talk to Ms. Lana, figure this whole thing out." John B said ignoring the girl. "And he's not dead, Es."

"I'm sure she would just love to talk to us." Esperanza said walking to the front of the van.

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