1.34 The Truth

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Trigger Warning: Murder, Blood, Abuse and Self harm

9 months ago

"Ward you are a very bad man and you deserve to be locked up by for what happened to Big John" Alexander argued.

"You promised you would't say anything." Ward said turning to face him.

"I have a daughter Ward, John B is her best friend and I see that boy everyday knowing you killed his father while he thinks he left for the merchant. I can't be a pawn in your game anymore Ward. I don't even care about the money that's on that damn ship. Cause i already have everything i need." Alexander yelled at him.

"Bullshit Alex! What about my kids. What about Sarah. And wheezie. Can you imagine how they would feel if the knew."

"Damnit Ward. They need to know. You did a terrible thing and John B deserves to know the truth."

"That boy isn't ready for the truth yet and neither are my kids. I killed his father. I'll be lucky if he doesn't kill me."

"We'll see what Peterkins and Shoupe have to say about that" he told ward attempting to walk off, to the bathroom. He felt one last sharp pain in the side of his head as he fell to the ground. Ward cleaned off the gun before placing it in his hand. He got up to write the note. Shoving it into the desk before getting up.

"You shouldn't have threatened to tell the truth Alexander. Your girl needed you." he said before leaving out the front.

An hour later Esperanza and her mom came home after a game with the company of JJ and John B and Pope. Esperanza dressed in her cheer uniform for Kildare county high School as she ruffled her pom poms excitedly in JJ's face.

"You know. I liked that cheer about the guns. How did it go?" JJ said slyly to her as she rolled her eyes. Of course he did.

"Dad we won!" The girl exclaimed running to his room but he wasn't in there. Shrugging it off she went to wipe off her make up in the bathroom. Opening to door to see her dad's lifeless body. A horrified scream escaping her lips as she ran to his body pulling him into her. Everyone rushed over to see what was wrong with the girl.

"Call 911!" She screamed to her friends as her mom ran over to her. Sliding down the wall and to the floor in shock. Esperanza's friends following shortly after. They watched as the girl sobbed into her dad's corpse,"Don't just stand there. Call peterkins please! Shoupe! Someone! Please!" She cried. Pope rushed to grab his phone.

"Dad. I'm so sorry" she cried. She let out her cry over her father for a good five minutes before John B grabbed her and dragging her away as sirens got closer.

"Let me go! Let me go! He needs me! Let me go, John B!" She screamed trying to rip of of his arms as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She started to sob,"Let me go!" She cried out as Peterkins, Shoupe and other cops stormed her house.

"No! No! Let me go!" she sobbed as she began shaking profusely. John B and JJ both held onto the girl, so the cops could do their jobs."He needs me. He needs me."

"Why? Why?" Esperanza sobbed into JJ as he played with her hair and massaged her back comfortingly,"I don't understand. Why?" The boys themselves were trying not to tear up, not just over the death of Alexander, but because of Esperanza's reaction. They have never heard such a pained and hurt scream.

His death was ruled a obvious suicide as he did seem to be the one holding the gun. Esperanza distanced herself from the group until near the end of the school year. She distanced herself from everyone. As she and her mom began to fight more often. And she began popping and snorting oxy with her boyfriend.

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