1.33 Burn Them All The F*cking Ground

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When Esperanza woke up she turned to JJ, who was still asleep, and smiled brightly. The love of her life right before her eyes. She couldn't help but smile.

"You're staring" He spoke softly as he kept his eyes closed.

"I'm Gazing." she smiled.

"It's creepy" he smiled back opening one eye.

"It's romantic" She retorted dramatically. JJ opening his eyes as he pulled the giggling girl into him. He silenced her giggles by kissing her lips. The things she said made him fall even more in love with her. She was never the type of girl to giggle. He felt proud of himself that he accomplished such an achievement. Esperanza was more the type of woman who snorted and cackled. There was nothing attractive about her laugh, it was one of JJ's favorite things about it. She would get anxious about how others perceived her, but she never cared what they had to say about her laugh. It was Esperanza Ansiedad Machado-Mendoza and everyone loved it.

"Good morning baby," he said softly.

"Good morning Lover boy" she said kissing his lips ever so softly once more before getting up. “You know that one Taylor Swift song?”

JJ raised an eyebrow,“Which one.”

"The one on reputation. Call it what you want." She said. "Y'know it. It goes, I want to wear his initial on a chain 'round my neck, chain 'round my neck. Not because he owns me. But 'cause he really knows me"

JJ nodded with some recollection. "Is that what you want?" He asked teasingly,"You want a necklace with a 'J' on it baby?"

Esperanza smiled to herself,"I wouldn't mind it." JJ grinned to himself.

"Are they still asleep?" JJ asked her with a raised eyebrow after she put on her skirt. Esperanza waited for her shirt to be on before replying.

"I think they went home. I'm not sure." She said confused.

"Good. That gives us enough time to finish that conversation." JJ smirked before pulling her into the bed before she could slip on some panties, flipping the two over to where he was on top of her.

"I think I'm gonna love this chat." She smiled sweetly. JJ chuckling slightly before kissing her lips delicately as he softly thrusted his body against hers,"oh I was right." she whispered seductively to him. JJ slightly speeding up as the kiss got more passionate. Their lips moving sync as Esperanza ran her fingers through JJ's hair. A soft moan escaping her lips-the two pulling apart and flipping over to where she was now on top so she can unbutton his shirt. Her hand briefly traced over his bruises on accident and she pulled it away immediately, running her hands through his sandy blonde hair instead. JJ sat up so that she was now straddling his lap as he began kissing her neck. Sucking ever so softly as Esperanza grinded her hips against the bulge in his shorts.

"Are you sure?" JJ asked her.

"Yes." she said in a quiet voice. "I'm sure if you are." Esperanza said lightly. JJ smiling softly before kissing her again as she unbuttoned his shorts causing them to fall off his body. Her lips not moving away from JJ's until he lifted her shirt off of her. Getting up to lock the door before returning back to his girlfriend who sat right back on his lap.

Thirty minutes later the two walked out of the room together as Pope stared at them completely horrified and Kie tried not to laugh,"I guess they were here." Esperanza snorted grabbing onto JJ's arm.

"Can you still walk after all that riding?" Kie teased causing Esperanza to bust out into full blown laughter.

"It will be a little rougher for her than most days." JJ said looking at her body. Fully satisfied.

"Shut up." Esperanza said punching his arm.

"Different from your usual love making huh Es?" Kie asked jokingly.

"I don't make love Kie. I fuck." Hope said with a slight smirk on her face.

"Yeah you do." JJ said smacking her ass as Kie chocked on her own spit and Pope gave them a traumatized look.

"Someone please take away her fifty shades of grey discs." Pope groaned in disgust before walking away.

"How's it feeling?" Pope said pulling Kie and Esperanza up and down in the contraption Pope made to get the gold.

"Feels good" Kie said as the girls went up.

"Taking you down" Pope informed the girls as they hummed an okay.

"John B pulling a houdini" JJ said as the girls got out. Esperanza walked up to JJ as he wrapped his arms around her body, kissing her newly formed hickeys.

"Yeah, Where is he? I got my scholarship interview in the morning. We gotta get this done!" Pope asked and as if on cue a grumpy John B came around the corner.

"Speak of the devil, hey!" Esperanza's smile going ignored as he stomped into the house. The group exchanging confused expressions.

"What was that about?" Pope asked Esperanza and JJ.

"The hell if i know"

"I was about to ask you the same thing." JJ said at the same time as Esperanza before following after him.

"Hey asshat. You ignored me." Esperanza said after him stopping when seeing he was looking for something,"What the fuck are you looking for?"

"You all right, man? What- what's up?" JJ asked John B.

"John B? You good?" Esperanza said walking closer to him.

"What are you looking for?" Kie asked him

"Bro, what's going on?" JJ asked John B. The group getting worried when he pulled out JJ's Gun,"John B, what do you need the gun for?" JJ said stepping infront of John B as he pushed JJ onto the bed. Esperanza looked back at JJ as the two exchanged concerned looks.

"John B talk to me" Esperanza pleaded grabbing his arm as JJ got up. John B gave the girl a sympathetic look before he went completely cold again and pulled his arm away forcefully as the girl stumbled backwards into the table. JJ put his hat back on as the group followed him outside.

"What, are you JJ now?" Pope asked.

"John B what the hell are you doing?" Esperanza yelled at him as he got on JJ's bike and started it.

"Ward knows about the gold." He deadpanned before turning around to the group. Locking eyes with Esperanza,"He killed my dad. And Alexander" he said before turning around. The three friends Chasing after him as Esperanza fell to knees helplessly and let out a breathy cry. Full of anger and heart broken as she sobbed, the sound was heart wrenching. The group turned back to her. Esperanza knew her father didn't kill himself. But she felt as if her whole world was crashing down on her and she couldn't breathe. The group rushed back to Esperanza as JJ pulled her into his chest like she did to him last night to help steady her breathing but it wasn't working. Pope panicking as he ran back inside and searched the cabinets. Finding her old inhaler and running outside.

"My best friend's dad. He killed my father and forged the note. No. No that's not true. He killed himself. He killed himself. He wasn't murdered by a Cameron." She said in between large sobs. Pope ran over to her and handed her the inhaler. Esperanza grabbing it and taking large puffs before standing up again. She didn't say anything.

But she had a single thought..

Burn them all to the fucking Ground.

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