1.39 Ms. Anna

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"He's pinched for sure, man." JJ said standing outside the wreck as that was where they slept last night. Pope coming to stand beside him as Kie and Esperanza were making food bags for John B and Sarah.

"No. They wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him." Pope said to him.

"Let's hope." JJ said as he and Pope walked back inside.

"You know, we were in that car. They're probably looking for us, too." Pope pointed out to the friend group.

"Well, if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B." Esperanza said to both boys.

"So, find him before they do?" Kie questioned before Pope walked off,"Pope?"

"I'm gonna get gas for the boat." Pope said leaving the Wreck.

"Hey, you be careful." Kie said to him,"Okay?"

"Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late." Pope said pointing to Esperanza and JJ. Kie shutting the door behind them, Esperanza and JJ following after her.

"Not again." Esperanza mumbled to herself.

"Okay, what is your problem?" Kie asked him offendedly.

"No problem, Officer. I'm just doing my job." Pope retorted avoiding eye contact.

"Look, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings." Kie said, Pope revving the engine of JJs bike to avoid listening to her.

"What was that"

"Look, I didn't mean to."

"Sorry, I can't hear you. What was that?" Pope said mockingly.

"Pope, I'm being serious..." Kie pleaded causing Pope to drive away,"I'm trying to talk to you!"

JJ and Esperanza look up at the sound of Helicopter blades whirring, JJ turning to the girls before asking,"Who is that?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"He's gonna leave before apologizing for wrecking lola." Esperanza said in disbelief at Pope.

"You sure he wasn't just being weird Pope?" JJ asked Kie after she explained to him what happened last night as Esperanza got more food from the back.

"It wasn't really the kind of thing that needed interpretation." Kie said to him. "Es felt so awkward she started talking about how nice the grass was.*

"Hey it was very nice grass. Is that enough food for them?" Esperanza said walking up to the two.

"I mean, for a couple of weeks, and that's all they need, so..." Kie said to her,"Look, I think I actually hurt his feelings."

"Look, don't beat yourself up too much. He's completely changed his feels." JJ said to her.

"The past 24 hours have been like Jekyll and Hyde." Esperanza added on as they each grabbed a box.

"I hate to admit it, but I miss the old Pope." Kie said to them as they walked outside, Esperanza nodding in agreement,"At least I knew what to expect from him."

"Where you been?" Kie's mom, Anna, asked her daughter.

"Uh... I'm fine. I slept here." Kie reassured her.

"Well, we were up half the night, scared to death, lookin' for you." Anna said to her,"Were you even gonna tell us?"

"Well, I'm telling you right now." Kie said as they teens out their boxes in the back of Esperanza's jeep.

"What the hell are you three up to?" Anna questioned.

"I'm sorry, Miss Anna, we gotta go." JJ said opening the door to the passenger side and getting in.

"Sorry? No. I'm sorry. Absolutely not. Have you heard what's going on?" Anna questioned.

"Mom, I'll explain later." Kie pleaded.

"Have you seen the storm? This is not safe." Anna said trying to reason with her daughter.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I have to go!" Kiara said to her.

"These cops are armed, Kiara. You'll get shot." Anna pleaded with her daughter.

"I have to go!" Kie repeated.

"I won't let that happen Ms. Anna" Esperanza reassured before getting in the driver side.

"I am not letting you do this!"

"Mom, John B needs me!"

"You need to stay here." Anna instructed.

"I understand. I'll be careful. Sorry!" Kie said getting in the backseat.

"Kiara! Open this door!" Anna demanded.

"I'm sorry!" Kie yelled as Esperanza pulled off.

"Stop it right now. Right now, Kiara! This is not safe! Stop! Stop! Kiara!" Anna called out for her daughter almost in tears.

"Hey... She'll be okay." Esperanza said to Kie softly looking back at her through the rear view mirror.

"I know." Kie said smiling slightly.

"Home sweet home." JJ said dryly.

"Do you want me to come? 'Cause I'll come." Esperanza offered as JJ turned his focus back on her.

"No. This will only take a second." JJ assured her before getting out the car.

"So. Are you lying to Pope?" Esperanza said turning around to face Kie,"I get it you want different things in life. But look at me and JJ. Sarah and John B. We all want different things in life. But we can't help our feelings, Kie. And neither can you and Pope. So if you love him. You tell him you love him before he moves on. But if I'm completely misreading you-"

"Has anyone ever told you that you talk too fast and overthink things." Kie Joked.

"No, why have you heard something? Did someone say something?" Esperanza Joked as she spoke fastly,"Seriously though Kie. What's stopping you from telling him?"

"I haven't dated anyone since you, Es." Kie said.

"I haven't dated anyone since Rafe. I thought he broke my heart, so I was done dating. But JJ isn't like Rafe. And Pope wouldn't hurt you. Not the way I did." Esperanza said to her as JJ came back outside,"Tell him before it's too late. And never put me in the position to look at the grass again."

"Hey Baby, How did it go?" Esperanza asked softly as JJ as he got back in the car. JJ sending her a small forced smile as he held up the boat keys. He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss, one that he definitely needed. Kiara leaned all the way back in her seat and turned her head towards the window.

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