1.26 My Brothers Keeper

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The group had dropped JJ and Esperanza back off at John Bs since that's where they are both living at the moment. JJ making him and Esperanza sandwiches as she took a shower and put on her pajamas. She walks out of the bathroom to see JJ was shirtless. In nothing but some shorts. JJ seen the girl and eyed her every move as she walks over to help with the sandwich making.

"Get some plates " JJ says going over to the fridge and grabbing 2 beers. The girl sighing cause she knew she wouldn't be able to reach. She took a deep breath before climbing onto the counter causing JJ to laugh at her as she grabbed the plates. Setting them onto the counter before sitting down on it to as her legs dangled off the edge. JJ looking into her deep brown eyes as she stared into his perfect blue eyes. Glancing at her lips before returning to her eyes. He walks between the gap through her legs to where their faces are inches apart as their body's pressed against each others. Now it was her turn to glance from his lips back to his eyes. JJ has grabbed ahold of her face, this time being the one to close the gap. His eagerness caused the girl to giggle into the kiss. Making JJ smile at the girl. JJ pushed everything off the counter as he and Esperanza's kissing grew more passionate. His mouth traveled down towards her neck as he kissed her softly. Sucking ever so slightly enticing a low moan before he leaned into the girls ear swiftly picking her up from the counter.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this" JJ speaks softly towards the girl who he now held into his arms before putting her down onto the kitchen floor.

"Well then. We can finish this conversation in John B's room" she says winking at the boy before walking off into John Bs room.

Hearing footsteps behind her she turns around to see JJ behind her as he grabs her by the waist and leans down kissing the girl once again spinning around so her back was now on the wall he deepens the kiss pushing her against the wall as she ran her fingers through his hair and he ran his fingers up and down her body before picking her up by her thighs sitting on the bed to where she was on his lap. Esperanza's wet hair snaking around her body to the front of her.

Not breaking the kiss the two laid down Esperanza still on top of JJ running her fingers through his hair as she grinded her body up against his. JJ flipped the two around to where he was now on top began kissing on her neck and sucking slightly leaving hickeys all down her body as the girl moaned softly. JJ resting a hand by her face as the other one was wrapping her around his hips. His hips were rutting against her. She had started unbuckling JJ's shorts as he cupped her breasts in his hands and started kissing down to her chest. He slid her lacy tank top up, stopping only when it got caught against her small breast.

He placed a soft kiss against the underside of her breast. He looked up at her, her face had tightened softly. Keeping his eye on her, he leaned forward, nipping at the breast. She let out a soft breath. It was her turn to look down at him, one hand pinned by her head, no doubt holding himself up. The other hand rubbing and groping her butt as her legs tightened around his hips. He pulled away and leaned towards her lips. He gave her a soft kiss. “Hey.” He told her.

    “Hi.” She smiled back.

"JJ. Es. Me and Pope are staying here tonight-" kiara calls out before stepping infront of the door way the two forgot to close and gasping. Causing JJ and Esperanza to look up from each other and at the door slightly embarrassed. Pope seeing the two and screaming before slamming the door shut causing the other three to burst out into laughter.

"So much for having the house to ourselves" Esperanza says softly so only JJ can hear her which made him laugh into her neck.

"I love you, Esperanza Mendoza." The boy said as he rolled off the girl.

"I love you too JJ Maybank." Esperanza smiles brightly at JJ and kissed the boy's cheek, "You think we scarred Pope?" She says still looking at the boy.

"Oh yeah for sure we did" he says laughing at Pope's reaction from earlier.

"Today was a long day. But I'm glad its almost over. I guess there was a highlight" she says breathlessly.

"Esperanza. Will you be my girlfriend? Maybe. If you want" He asks nervously turning to face the girl who laid beside him. Who was stuck in a trance of those words. Which made the boy furrow his eyebrows causing her to come back to reality and pinch her hand.

"Yeah, Sorry i thought that i was dreaming for a second." she says laughing causing JJ to laugh too,"Of course I'll be your fucking girlfriend. I was wondering when you were gonna ask"

"Oh my fucking god! Yes bitch!" They heard kie scream through the door causing the two to burst out into laughter.

"Also wear these more often little Wolf. Not around other boys though just me" he says protectively which made the girl smile.

"Well of course Loverboy." she says as she lays her head on his chest and runs her hands along his jawline. Pope hesitantly walks back into the room covering his eyes.

"Ya know. I'm gonna go back home. Come and get me tomorrow i guess" he says awkwardly waving at the two as they said bye trying to hold in the laughter.

Esperanza turned back to the boy who immediately pulled her into another kiss. The girl let out a soft laugh as JJ pulled her hip so she was back on top of him. JJ smiled at her bringing her lips back down to his. “We could always continue you know." She said to him.

JJ kissed her for a few more seconds,“I like the way you think, Mendoza.” He said briskly, rolling them over so he was ontop. Esperanza's only response was a soft breath. This was truly a moment she dreamt of. Her hands found their way to his hair.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕥 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤¹|JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now