1.24 Honey I'm Home

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Esperanza hasn't left Big Johns Bed in two days. The only reason why her mom knows where she is because Kiara and Pope explained the whole situation. JJ hasn't left the house either. To make sure Esperanza was okay. And also not wanting to go home to his dad. JJ walked up to Big John's door and knocked lightly. Hearing the girl groan slightly. So he decides to knock again.

"Go away" she says Brokenly. JJ heart ached for the girl.

"I-i got John B news" JJ says through the door. Causing the girl to immediately sit up and walk to the door and open it. Her eyes red and puffy with dark circles. Her hair in a messy half bun half ponytail. In a tank top and JJ sweatpants.

"Come in" she says waving the boy to come sit on the bed.

"JB woke up" he says smiling slightly as he watched the girls face light up.

"Can we go see him?" She asks excitedly.

"I asked the doctors cause i knew you'd want to go. But they said no that they don't wanna overwhelm him. And they still got tests to run. But John B told me to tell you that he'll meet us at the wreck when he gets out" JJ says as the girls smile faded away and then gave him a simple head nod.

"Oh. Okay" she says sitting back down on the bed.

"He also says that he loves you" The boy said as the girl gave him a soft smile,"When was the last time you slept or ate?"he asks the girl.

"I ate at midsummers and slept the night before. I haven't showered either. I've been using spray on deodorant." she says shrugging.

"Alright get some sleep. Imma go check on your mom and then bring back some food from The wreck. Kie and Pope have been worried about you" he says rubbing the girl's back.

"Okay." She says lightly before laying back down. Falling asleep shortly after from the lack of sleep for about 2 days. After noticing that she was asleep. JJ left to make get her some food and tell her Mom that shes doing better.

"Honey I'm home" JJ jokes as he walks inside the house. He goes back to Big John's room where Esperanza was still sleeping and laughs slightly before throwing a pillow at her.

"Hey!" Esperanza says laughing slightly before throwing it back.

"Get up. We're going to the wreck" he says pulling the girl out of the bed.

"JJ I look like shit. Can I at least do my hair? Or put on some concealer?" Esperanza says sighing but getting up grabbing some dry shampoo.

"Do your hair in the van and you don't need concealer you still look beautiful." JJ says pulling her out of the house.

"JJ if a kook sees me" She says as he shoves her in the van.

"Shut up you're beautiful" JJ says making his way over to driver side.

"Oh my god fine. Why are we even going?" She asks which was ignored as he drove to the Wreck. JJ waits for her to get out before he gets out,"JJ seriously why are we here. If this is your idea of a first date-" she says before realizing where her sentence was going.

"Does that mean you wanna go on a date little wolf." JJ says teasing the girl.

"Alright so let's go inside" she says changing the subject.

"Wait" JJ says stopping her,"You're gonna be over the moon when you go in there. But I want you to already be in a good mood since you're grumpy I pulled you out of the house. So I apologize for making you leave the house when you think you look like mess. In my defense I think you look beautiful all the time."

Esperanza turned away from him with a soft laugh before turning back to him and realizing how close their faces are. JJ smiles before leading the girl inside the wreck.

"John B!" She screams before running over and wrapping her arms around his waist," I missed you so much"

"Yeah i can tell from the stories about you from the past 2 days. Did you seriously try to fight Sarah Cameron" he says laughing at the girl.

"I pushed her three times. It wasn't much of a fight." Esperanza says defending herself causing the boy to laugh and hug her again. Before everyone sat down. Esperanza sitting on JJ's lap as he ran his fingertips against the girls inner thighs. Esperanza finding herself once again fighting her hormones wanting to give in at just the mere thought of his touch. Or his body against hers. But that was a conversation the two were gonna have later. Behind closed doors and under some sheets most likely.

"So I'm gonna be staying at Tanny Hill. Ward made it to where I can still keep the Chataeu though so JJ and Es can still stay there anytime they want" John B says to the group.

"Whole place to ourselves tonight. A game of strip or spill?" JJ whispers jokingly into the girls ear making her smile.

"How about a game of cat and mouse" she joked back, winking at the boy who chuckled lightly and pulled his hands away.

"I'm sorry. You're staying where?" Kie says not believing her friend.

"Tanny Hill" he says looking at her.

"So you're living with Sarah Cameron." Esperanza says as its only just now registering in her brain.

"Okay, look, the only reason I'm living there is because her dad bailed me out, right? And it's way better than foster care, which, by the way, is where I was about to go if Ward didn't..." John b says before getting interrupted by two immature boys.

"Hey, so do you have a membership to the clubs now?" Pope says trying to prevent an argument.

"I don't know, Pope." John b says confused.

"What about those golf carts they drive around? You get one of them?" JJ says to be obnoxious. Esperanza turned her head slightly so that John B wouldn't see her fight the urge to smile.

"Does it come with a sweater-vest, or do you have to buy one on your own?" Pope says continuing.

"Look, you promised." Kie says still hurt.

"You said you weren't with her." Esperanza says backing up Kie on this.

"Bro, just own it. She got you." JJ says agreeing with the girls.

"You're one to talk." John B said narrowing his eyes at JJ, who held his hands up in his defense.

"Look, if you wanna hang out with her, that's fine." Esperanza says looking at the boy sympathetically as she began playing with JJ's rings.

"But we're letting you know now that we're not doing anything with Sarah Cameron" Kie says standing her ground.

"Not squat. Nada. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Zero." Esperanza added.

"Do you guys see her here?" John B says waving his hand around the table,"No, right. Okay. A little focus would be fantastic." He says pointing at the map.

"We've got the map" Pope says looking at it.

"It's out of whack 'cause the guy was ganja'd when he drew it." JJ says leaning closer to it.

"It's 'cause the coast has changed. Dumbass" Esperanza says smacking the boys head.

"So we just have to look for landmarks that haven't changed." Pope says looking at Esperanza.

"What about the old forts?" She asks looking back at the boy.

"Battery Jasper" The two said at the same time before high fiving. And everyone rushing to the van.

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