1.16 Drone Work and Letters

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Pope and JJ were on land working the Drone while Esperanza, John B, and Kiara were out swimming around in the water so they could see if it works. Esperanza blowing kisses and shaking her butt infront of it with Kiara while laughing underwater. When they came up everyone talks about when they're gonna go find the royal merchant. A minutes after everyone left it was just John B and Esperanza.

"After hearing you're dads voice on camera. It made me wonder about my dad. Why he did what he did. If he left a note. I mean he would leave a note when he would go check the mail so i wouldn't get worried. Its just not adding up" The girl said as she took another sip of her beer.

"And you deserve that closure Es. And if you want I'll help you find it" John B said as Esperanza looked up and locked eyes with Sarah Cameron.

"Sarah's here. I guess that's my Cue. I'll see you tomorrow John B." She said before walking off.

On the way back to her house she ran into JJ, who was obviously acting like he wasn't going to her house.

"Oh Hey. Are you okay?" He said asking her.

"Yeah. I just gotta look for something at my house. For self closure reasons. You're welcome to come and sit on my bed as i look." She said as they continued walking he just nodded as he walked home with her. Esperanza ran up her steps and began searching. In the kitchen. Opening old mail. Looking in drawers. Her mom's room since her mom was surprisingly not home. Probably at her new Job. She looked in her room. She walked into the living room and went through one of the desks. Finding a piece of paper addressed to her. From Alejandro Mendoza.

"I knew he wouldn't make me wonder anymore" She whispered to herself. She walked into her room where JJ was sitting on her bed. "Found it" she said showing him the letter. He looked at her with a shocked expression. She sat down on the bed and looked at the letter. For some reason she wasn't able to open it.

"Come on" she said grabbing JJ's wrist and dragging him out the front door.

"Where are we going?" JJ asked ripping his wrist away from her tight grasp.

"Sorry. We are taking this little letter. To john Bs. And we're gonna burn it" she said continuing to walk.

"Excuse me what? Burn it?" JJ said forcing the girl to stop.

"JJ this letter is from my dad. Addressed to me. I barely just started to move on and I'm not just gonna let it get right back in" she said before starting to walk again.

"That's why you have me. And John B. And the rest of the pogues. Esperanza we're all here for you. No matter what. I mean Es that's your father. You can't just burn those letters. You've been asking yourself why since it happened. Please promise me you read this. Not for me. Your dad. Or the other pogues. But for you Es. You need this." JJ said grabbing the girls arms and trying to look her in the eyes but she kept moving her face so he couldn't see."Esperanza look at me" he said as the girl slowly turned to face him. Trying to hold back her tears. She gets away from his hold and slowly backs away shaking her head.

"J. I am so sorry. I can't do it. Not around anyone at least. I don't want you to see me cry again." She whispered to boy before taking off running through the woods and out towards the dock to think. John B and JJ already knew about her secret dock trips so JJ hurries after her, though he stood a few feet away from the dock opening. Its been 10 minutes and she still hasn't opened the note.

"Es. Open the letter. Your stronger than you think" JJ whispered to where only he can hear. And as if she could hear him. She began to open it. And slowly pulling the letter out of the envelope.

Hope. You're wondering why i did what i did. I don't have many answers for your questions but when you act good once people expect good all the time. And that can't always be done. I've done horrible things. Kept horrible secrets. But I was strong enough to end it when i could've said something people didn't need to know. Love you sweetheart.

This letter. It didn't make any sense to Esperanza causing her to scream out in frustration. He never called her sweetheart or Hope. She was always his little flower. His Esperanza. JJ watched from afar as his friend crumbled. JJ didn't hesitate to run out as she started hyperventilating. Grabbing her and pulling her into his chest.

"It's okay. You're okay. I got you. I got you." He whispered in her ear as he brought her to the ground,"i got you gorgeous. You just focus on breathing." JJ said rocking her back and forth.

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