1.32 The Cats Ass

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The group of teens were now sitting at the wreck. Esperanza sitting in silence at the thought of her absent boyfriend.

"JJ should be here. It feels wrong discussing this without him JB" she said softly not looking up from her fingers.

"Look, he'll come around, all right? He's doing a JJ thing." John B says answering her question Esperanza finally snapping her focus on him.

"This isn't just a JJ thing John B. He's really upset. I saw the look in his eye. He thinks we don't have his back. He thinks that we're tired of him" she replies tearing up,"he thinks we don't love him anymore."

"We'll we do and we aren't. And it doesn't help you were helping him and not talking him out of it Es. You're his girlfriend. You're supposed to talk him out of the crazy ideas." john B snapped at her, it truly was an accident.

"Because sometimes you gotta know when to get revenge John B!" Esperanza yells at him.

"Not everything requires revenge" John B says standing up.

"Yeah no. You're right. But im not gonna stand there and get pushed around by a broke ass drug dealer. Imma actually do something about it" she rolls her eyes.

"Robbing him isn't doing something about it. Its being a dumbass. You are being. A dumbass. " John B yells at her.

"Fuck you" Esperanzs says before standing up and slamming her chair to walk away.

"Es im" John B says.

"Save it for someone who fucking cares John B!" Esperanza yells before storming out the wreck.

"You think he'll go home?" Kie asks Pope referring to JJ.

"There's about a zero percent chance that JJ goes home." Pope says to her softly.

Esperanza walks to her house to check in on her mom. When she walked in her mom was making food.

"Mom?" Esperanza called out in her soft raspy voice.

"Esperanza!"her mom says excitedly before coming around from the kitchen smiling,"hows my favorite?"

"I could be better but i wanted to see you. Well the two of you" the daughter says gesturing between her and her stomach that was now barely showing.

"Yeah. Only a few weeks before we can see the gender of it. I hope it's a girl. And i got us a house today. We move in at the end of the week love. You'll love it when you see it." She says smiling.

"Really? I want a baby brother. I didn't know we were moving. That's great mom." Esperanza chuckled to herself.

Her mom smiled before speaking again,"don't worry about your mom go out with your friends its summer. Go back to John B's. Oh and i signed you up for therapy. You've been through a lot Es. I want you to be able to talk to someone about it." her mom gestured her off as Esperanza forced a smile and walked out. She walked to the chateau before going inside. And going to lie down on the bed. Unaware of the JJ in the back talking to the delivery people before they drive off placing the Hot-tub in the backyard. Esperanza walked to the front yard and sat on the porch until it got dark.

"Gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning." Pope says walking up to the chateau.

"Okay, well, we gotta focus." Kie says nodding as the two spotted the girl on the porch as she waved slightly before making her way to them.

"Hey guys" she said,"What are you guys doing here? Thought it would be just me tonight. Oh guess what. I'm moving houses at the end of the week. I just found out. That's good."

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