1.17 Working at Heywards

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Pope, JJ, Esperanza were working for Heyward today.

"You boys get these groceries over to Figure Eight. Get straight back here when you're done. No fishing," Heyward said,"I promised delivery by this afternoon. Rich folks don't wanna wait for you lazy sons of...Oh, JJ, thank you....sons of bitches. Esperanza. Make sure JJ stays out of trouble" Heyward finished off and smiled at the girl.

"Right" Esperanza said slowly nodding.

The three rode off to figure 8. Esperanza tuning out their conversation as her mind kept racing from her dream to that letter. They soon stopped at the figure eight docks. Esperanza leaving with JJ. Pope leaving by himself.

"Honestly. I wouldn't live out here. Everyone here is snobby." Esperanza said laughing. JJ knew something inside of her changed. And he knew it would've happened. And he knows it's not anyone's fault. It's just loss. He knew she wouldn't return to how she was and he was fine without. She seems like shes trying to be happy. But he also wanted to read that letter.

"Oh please you would love to live here" JJ said teasing her and she laughed.

"Thank you for following me last night." she said smiling at the boy.

"You know I wasn't gonna let you go alone." He said looking down at the girl.

"Yeah next time you wanna be more stealthy" she said as he gasped and clutched his heart.

"I am the stealthiest in the cut Esperanza Mendoza" he said exaggerating.

"No i am" She said playfully arguing.

"Are challenging me to a stealth contest?" He said confidently.

"Ok um no. Don't make it weird" she said looking at him like he was stupid.

"You're scared you're gonna lose. That's why" he mumbled. Making the girl gasp.

"You are so on JJ Maybank" She said shoving him out of the way.

"Bring it Mendoza." He smiled at her.

"God I can't stand you." Esperanza laughed pushing his shoulder. JJ bit down on his bottom lip as he looked at her.

"Then sit." He said, wrapping an arm around her. She slowly softly and rolled her eyes. JJ let out a soft chuckle and poked her dimple. "Alright let's go Dimples."

After having fun and finishing the deliveries they made there way back to the boat.

"Pope! Dude, you are not going to believe what just happened to me, man! Whoo! That was the best 100 bucks I've ever made! When I say count me in on all these grocery deliveries, Pope, I mean it." JJ says enthusiastically.

"Best day ever. Although i got a question. Who's stealthier? Me or JJ" Esperanza said with a big smile on her face, "Pope? What's wrong?" She said losing her smile when she saw Pope was upset.

"What's up with you? Bro, you good?" JJ asked before noticing something on Pope's face and removing his hat making Esperanza gasp.

"Jesus!" JJ exclaimed looking away. But he could see the anger rising up in Esperanza.

"What the hell happened Pope" she said very firmly.

"Rafe and Topper Jumped me. They said no Pogues on their side of the island." He said still looking straight. Esperanza took a few steps towards Pope and forced him to look at her.

"Rafe?" She asked softly pope nodding, She had given Rafe that worst two years of her life. Life wasted. She was already angry about that. But this just made it all worse. "What are you gonna do?" She said getting angry.

"2020 Malibu, 24-MXC. The world's finest wake setter. Number one in quality, luxury, and performance." Pope said looking at Topper's boat.

"This is war, Pope. They hit us, we hit them. Do it." JJ said as Esperanza pulled her bandana up around her face and pulled her glasses down. JJ doing the same after Pope jumped in the water and swam over to the boat and pulled out the plug. Esperanza and JJ highfived each other as Pope dived back into the water and appeared on Heywards boat.

"Wow, you did it." JJ said throwing his hands up.

"Pope im so fucking proud of you oh my gosh" Esperanza says freaking out.

"Es" JJ says fake crying.

"JJ" Esperanza turned to him fake crying too.

"Not again" Pope said terrified.

"Our son" they yell while still fake crying and hugging each other.

"Ok enough" Pope said pulling them apart.

"Woah. I like actually started crying a little bit I'm so proud." Esperanza said laughing.

"Guys! You cant tell anyone" Pope blurted out.

"Oh, no, yeah. Totally, dude." Esperanza said as she and JJ reached for the plug.

"No, I'm serious, dude. Not Kie, not John B, nobody." Pope said pulling it away.

"Promise" she said kissing her index and middle finger held it out for Pope to do the same. Which he did.

"Yup, my lips are sealed. Give me that. Give me that." JJ said snatching the plug from Pope and chucking it in the water causing Esperanza to whoop and double high five him.

The three showed up at the beach with their surf boards to see Kiara and John B surfing together.

"Ouuuuu" Esperanza said shoving JJ making him laugh.

"Hey! Save some waves for us!" JJ yelled running towards the water.

"Hey! Where have you guys been" Kie calls out to us.

"We were having a Threesome" Esperanza yells out laughing earning a laugh from everyone. She laid down on her board until she seen a good wave and road it out. Her next wave wasn't as great as she fell face first under the water, but after the wave passed she came up and laughed.


The group were now on the hammocks Pope and John B on one. Kiara, Esperanza, And JJ were in another. Kiara and Esperanza play flirting when Pope asks the dreadful question.

"You really think it's out there? Like, no bullshit?" He asks turning to Jb.

"My father thought it was" John B says.

"But do you?" Pope asks again.

"After hearing his voice on that tape... I think I do." John B says.

"Yeah" Esperanza says softly but you could tell her voice was broken. JJ just reached down and squeezed her hand.

"Only one way to find out." Pope says.

"Look, we're gonna find it, you know? Even JJ believes." Kie says making Esperanza fake gasp.

"Oh, my God, JJ, do you really believe?" She said turning to JJ and resting her hand on JJ's chest. Oh. When did he take his shirt off. Maybe i could touch his abs- no. No. That's too obvious. Act natural girl.

"Totally. Wait. Are we talking about four mil?" JJ asks looking down at Esperanza. He hesitates wrapping his arms around her before he decides fuck it. And does it.

"400 hundred mill" Pope and Kiara said.

"Jinx" Kie says laughing.

"Im gonna dream about shipwrecks" JJ said making Esperanza giggle.

"Goodnight bird" JJ called to John B.

"Goodnight birdshit" John B called back.

"Goodnight little wolf" He said whispering into Esperanza's ear.

"Goodnight baby" she whispered back resting her head in the crook of his neck with her hand now to his abs without realizing,"Hey kie." Esperanza spoke up after the boys fell asleep.

"What?" Kie asked looking at her.

"Look." Esperanza laughed before she looked back popping her ass 3 times"Bop bop bop" Esperanza's stupidity made Kie laugh before the two girls said their goodnights and went to bed like the boys.

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