Ch. 6

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Avas pov

When I get to Baileys house I see my sister sleeping on her chest and Bailey's arms wrapped around her tightly. Bailey's eyes are red and I'm sure mine are as well at this point.

"What do you want to do? I can drive her car and she can ride with you." She says.

"Let's just wake her up and see what she wants." I say.

I sit at the end of the bed and Bailey gently shakes Maya until Maya wakes up, "Who did you tell?!" Maya immediately panics looking at Bailey.

"Maya calm down, it's ok. She only told me. Look, you need to go to the hospital. Who do you want to ride with? Me or Bailey?"

"Don't tell mom." She panics.

"I won't, or dad." I lie.

It's not a full lie right? They already know so I won't be telling them anything right?


"Ok, Bailey's going to drive your car and I'll follow behind ok?" I ask and she nods.

"Can you walk?" I ask.

"Best if she doesn't. I don't think we want her to hurt worse." Bailey says and I nod.

Maya sits up and I watch her shake from the pain as she does so. Bailey picks her up gently and I follow behind her out the front door. I open Mayas passenger door and help Bailey her her buckled and as comfortable as possible.

"You have her keys?" I ask.

"Uh, I think she does."

I nod, "I'll call my parents and let them know that we're taking her. But I'm letting the hospital call them so neither of us break her trust."

She nods before getting into the car with Maya. I walk to mine and get into it and call my mom immediately, "Ok she's riding with Bailey and we're taking her now." I say.

"Alright, how's she doing?"

"Really bad, there's a lot of blood mom. She's shaking right now in pain. She's letting tears fall but she's trying not to cry." I say.

"Ok, please keep me updated." She says.

"I will, you do the same. The hospital will call you, please tell me what they tell you."

"I will Ava."

I hang up and watch Bailey back out of the driveway carefully and once she does, I do the same and catch up to her at the stop sign.

I hate this so much. I hate Kenzie. I've never said I've hated someone, it's a strong word. But it's accurate as to how to how I feel with Kenzie.

Mayas pov

"I'm sorry this is how you have to spend the day. I'll make sure Ava takes you home after you do this." I say.

"I'm staying."

As we hit a small bump the pain reaches an all time high and I can't help but cry, "I'm sorry Maya." She says sincerely.

"It's not your fault." I cry.

I feel her hand hold mine and I turn my head to her to see her focused on driving, "I always knew she was bad, but I never in a million years thought she'd ever do something like this to you. You don't deserve it. You're such an amazing person. You're funny, caring, sweet, smart, beautiful, talented, and I can keep going, but I'll stop there. You deserve someone who sees all of that and will treat you the way you deserve to be. But you can't settle for anyone less than that Maya. I know you just want someone to love you and give you the attention you miss, but Kenzie isn't it."

She's all I have so I just have to deal with her. It's my fault anyway, if I were better this wouldn't be happening.

"I'd die for you Maya, I wish you'd see how many other people really do care and love you. I'm willing to stay up all night taking to you if it would make you feel better. I'd be here to do something with you at all times or it'd make you feel better. I love you so much and I hate seeing you in this much pain. I hate seeing you so down."

"Why do you care so much?" I ask.

"Because I love you and just do."

What does she mean by I love you? Love me as a friend? Love me as more than a friend?

"Like a friend?"

"Not exactly."

"As more?" I ask.


Why though?

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" I ask.

"It never seems like the right time to. When it seems like the right time to is after you break up with Kenzie and I be there for you and try and tell you you deserve better. But I'm not the type of person to take advantage of someone when they are at their weakest moment. So I've never said anything."

"So you'd date me?" I ask.

"Right now? No. Because you're in a shit ton of pain and are technically still dating Kenzie. I would want to wait a couple of months and let you have time to process and think about it all. Because sometimes when we are in soon we make mistakes. I don't want this to be a mistake for you. If you really want to date me now, and love me now, then you'll still want that in a couple of months right?" She asks.

"Right." I say.

"Right?" She questions.

"I have feelings for you, I just didn't think it was mutual. I knew you were bi but just because you like girls too doesn't mean you like me as well."

The conversations cut off by the arrival to the hospital. Bailey finds a parking spot and Ava parks beside us. I unbuckle my seatbelt and wait until both of them are beside me, "Ok would you be more comfortable being carried or in a wheel chair?" Ava asks.

"Carried, I'll have to keep moving in and out of it and that's going to hurt."

Bailey passes Ava my car keys and picks me up carefully. The small movement hurts, but not as bad as what Kenzie did to cause it.

I hear Ava lock our cars before Bailey carries me in with Ava in front of her protectively. I zone out as Ava explains the situation and with the news the doctor gets me back and into a room.

But I know it's only a matter of time before what I admit ends with a phone call to mom or papá. That is frightening to think about.

Demi's pov

"Ava said they got to the hospital and Mayas in a room and waiting to talk to the doctor. She said Bailey wants to stay." I say.

"Whoever she's comfortable with. If Bailey can make her feel a bit better then she can stay." Wilmer says.

"I agree."

"I want to go mommy." Bella says.

I look to Wilmer not sure what to do with Bella. She's not going to be ok with my parents. Bella can't even look at them without an anxiety attack. However I don't know if this is something she should see at the age of 5. This is a lot and I know maya loves her to death, but I can't say she'd want Bella to be there.

"I don't think we have much of a choice." He says.

I know he's right but I still don't want to have to bring Bella. Not when Maya is in this bad of shape. I hate for Bella to see her like this and I don't want to overwhelm Maya more than we have to.

"You can go." I say.

Because it's not like we have a choice in the situation we're in. Normally if it's something like a broken arm or leg Wilmer or I would stay home with the kids while the other would take our injured one to the doctor or hospital. But this is so much more severe than that. Neither one of us can stay home this time. We both have to go.

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