Ch. 38

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Demi's pov

The second Maya falls asleep, I step into the hallway and call Wilmer. Despite it being 3 in the morning for him, he doesn't fail to pick up, "How's she doing?" He asks worriedly.

"Better. She just fell asleep and only threw up one more time tonight." I say.

"That's good, well not good. I hate that she's feeling so miserable, but it's an improvement from how she's felt last week or the weeks before." He says.

"I agree." I say.

"How's the girls doing?" He asks.

"Ava's asleep on the couch and Baileys in the bed with her." I say.

"How are you holding up? Do we need to switch places? Demi I can't imagine you're holding up to well with how little sleep you're getting." He says.

"I nap during the day Wilmer, I'm getting sleep still. Don't worry about me, I'm doing fine." I say.

"It's hard not to."

"Well, how's the boys?" I ask.

"Boy's are doing ok. Emilio walks past Maya's room a lot. I know he's thinking about her a lot, but when I try to coax him to talk he gets upset. So I've stopped trying to get him to talk about how he feels. I just give him the updates that you give me about Maya. The twins are doing pretty well. The doctor said I could start tummy time with them. They aren't too happy about it, but they are doing well." He says.

"Are they still on track development wise?" I ask.

"They are. The doctor said that they are right on track and look to be doing great. They got a few shots last time which they didn't enjoy even the slightest, but needed." He says.

"How are they doing on formula?" I ask.

"It was a struggle at first, but they adjusted and take it without a problem. They didn't want anything to do with it when I first made the transition, but they are fine with it now." He says.

"Ok, good. I met with Maya's doctors today." I say.

"How'd it go?" He asks.

"Well, they want to start physical therapy next week. They didn't tell me much about it, but did say that they will only be starting it at the hospital and encouraged us to find Maya a outpatient physical therapy program at home. So I'm assuming they are just going to get her strong enough to do simple things and let her come home and continue the rest at home." I say.

"That'd be great if they did, I think she'd do better at home. I think she's getting pretty discouraged the longer she's there. I think she'd be more positive here at home." He says.

"I agree, I am thinking the exact same thing." I sigh.

"How'd she sleep last night?" He asks.

"Better than she usually does. But the girls managed to lift her spirits up with a movie day and somehow managing to sneak two entire pizzas to her room. I do not know how they did this, but they did." I say.

He chuckles, "If there's a will, there's a way."

"Mhm, and I wanted to talk to you about something." I say.


"I think it'd be a good idea if Bailey stayed with us for a bit. Maya is going to need a lot of help when we get home. I think Bailey would be there to help but also make sure Maya does what she needs to. I can see Maya maybe not wanting to do things, but Bailey being able to keep her going when we can't." I say.

"Right now I just want Maya to be happy so if Bailey being home with us will do that for her, than I'm fine with it. Bella's gotten use to Bailey and I don't think that it's going to be anything that upsets her." He says.

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