Chapter 4 ~• One Step Ahead

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As promised new chapter is up!! I have changed the book cover, how is it? Would love to know your opinion.

                  Chapter 4

           "One Step Ahead"

"There are some moments in your life when you don't know whether to appreciate the people coming to show sympathy or wish everything would disappear."


"So,this is his new trick to make correspondence with me. First a mistake and then an apology. Allah knows what's next".Hera said the words in her mind,violently she tore the paper in shreds and threw the scraps into the plastic lined bin.

Offering the Ish'a salah,she sat cross legged on the prayer rug and beseeched Allah for guidance, piety, chastity and contentment,in this world and the next. She wasn't afraid but it would be a lie to say that she wasn't bothered at all with the course of events that were occuring. She thought the matter was all over when she had talked to him in her school but her concern had grown after she received this letter. Various thoughts streaming in her mind,were making her more distressed. She prayed earnestly,for his craze to die down just as quickly as it had started.

" I thought you were asleep".She was completing her essay,when she felt her mother's fingers stroking her hair.Her mother had that wonderful touch of softness.

Sitting at the edge of the bed she asked,"Have you packed your things for tomorrow's trip"?

"Almost,but I haven't found my pink coloured scarf yet". Rising from the chair,she walked towards the almirah to search it one last time.

" Let me do that,you finish your school work".Dropping to her knees Hera's mother rummaged through those things that had wound up on the floor of the wardrobe where as Hera walked back to her table.

With in a few minutes she found her scarf on the table,looking at her mother's smiling face she said,"What is your trick,how can mothers find the lost things in like 3 seconds while the kids look for it for like 3 hours"?

"It's just the way we are,Allah has programmed us in a way that even the slightest problem of our children make us uneasy".

"Mothers are Superwoman".She hugged her mother from behind.

" And daughters are super kids".She smiled and pinched her daughter's cheek playfully. "Show me your backpack,let me see if you're missing something".

"Don't take any unnecessary items with you". She pointed to the story book," You'll be going for just two days when do you think you'll get time to read this"?

"Stick with Eisha and her family. Never go out alone or leave a safe place with strangers. Even if you meet people or locals, they seem friendly buy they might not have the best intentions. I am honestly concerned about your friendly behaviour with the strangers,be a stranger to a stranger. If you promise me to abide by these rules then only you are allowed to go." She spoke,while putting all the items back into the backpack.Her voice filled with concern.

"Ummi,don't worry I'll stay safe." She rose from her seat, walking over to take her mother's hand.She then took a seat across from her mother and unplaited all the tiny braids in her hair,which Eisha had put in her hair,against her will.

"Which town are they going?"Asked her mother as she zipped the bag closed.

" Shikhla".

At that particular moment her facial expression turned hard and it seemed to constrict in a feature of some intense pain. Her eyes looked grim and penetrating. Without saying a word she walked to her bedroom leaving Hera astonished at her queer reaction.

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