Chapter 34•~By Destiny And Design

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                     Chapter •~34

             By Design And Destiny


                             1st Sept, 2020

       It will pain today.
Tomorrow it will fade away.


It was a dreary, dark night.Clouds hung low under the sky, as if threatening to spill waterfalls any second.

Yasmeen and Fahil were sitting on the stone bench in a park.The surrounding sidewalks and streets were completely devoid of people.The weather had kept most people inside their homes .

"Yasmeen I think it's time we leave."Said Fahil,who wasn't willing to step out in the chilly weather, in the first place.

"No...I want to see the stars and there are no starts yet."She protested.

"Sorry for the disappointment hun' but I don't think the sky will illuminate today coz it's all covered with clouds." He made known,his eyes flicked to the clock tower that was in the center, noting that it was now a quarter to midnight.

She knew she was being unreasonable and stubborn but she was so filled with wonder by the tranquility of the atmosophere that all she wanted to do was to bask in the peace for a little while longer.

"Fahil just look at the serenity of the surroundings and the lush greenery. Now,we don't get to see that too often,do we? Don't you want to spend some more time...please".She looked at him with her pure innocent eyes.

Since she came into his life,he fell in love with her everyday and the love that already existed deepened to depths with every passing moment.

"Fine but just for some more time".He agreed and she accepted it with a 'thank you' stretching her legs luxuriously.

"Here take my jacket."He said, taking his hands off his jacket pocket.

"No I don't need it.I am not cold."

"Yasmeen you'll catch cold have you forgotten what happened last time"?He brought his hands to his shoulders to push the jacket down.

"I am okay Fahil." She said,her meek voice rising in a note of  protest.

"Then let's leave". Standing up from the stone bench, he pulled out the car keys from his pant pocket.

"Okay,fine".She grumbled.

"But I have a condition".She looked at him,tilting her head.


"Let's share it".She winked.


"Remove that sleeve and I'll slide in."

Fahil  removed his left sleeve, and Yasmeen cozied up next to him, taking the sleeve and draping it over her shoulder.

Gloomy nights under the cloudy sky

Then the clouds disappear

And the stars cover the coalblack night

Beneath the blanket of glistening stars

I dream of you!

My dreams are made of you.

My reality is filled with you

And between the two is 'you'

We will walk with each other

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