Chapter 7~• Faith, Prayer And Hope

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                 Chapter 7

      Faith,prayer and Hope

"Let me sit here, on the threshold of two worlds. Lost in the eloquence of silence."



Last night was a little restless and she thought it was all due to her over busy schedule in the day time,as a result she woke up tired and groggy and went straight to the bathroom to prepare for faj'r as the time was running out. Resisting a strong urge to retreat to bed she walked lazily to the kitchen. Sahra was used to have a cup of black tea on empty stomach, usually she would prepare it for herself but since Hera was awake today so she thought to make it for her.

"You woke up early today"?Sahra placed a marker in the Qur'an and returned it to the shelf.

"I am having a test tomorrow and I have a lot to study".She handed her a cup of tea and tried to sound cheerful but her voice came out horse and ragged due to not sleeping well.

" Your exams will begin in two months I think it's about time you stop giving tuitions. You need maximum time to focus on your studies and that's not possible with these tuitions. let this be the last month and you better inform your students about it".She picked up her tea cup and took another sip, her eyes searching her over the rim. Hera protested meekly but the verdict was passed already and since, the time for final exams was drawing close so she herself wanted to focus completely on her studies without having anything to worry about and giving tuitions was a very responsible task. She  surrendered to her mother's decision willingly and rose to get back to her studies.

"By the way I'll come home late today and do you know Suleyma?She is in your class perhaps".

" Yes,she is my classmate but how do you know her"?She asked,surprised.

"Actually,her mother is a principal in a school,few days ago we were having a meeting with her that's how I came to know her. Yesterday she called me up and said that she has invited a few friends of her to her home over a small tea party and she wants me to give tafseer of any surah of the Qu'ran. Though i excused her for various reasons but she insisted me so much that ultimately I had to say yes".

" Did you meet Suleyma"?Hera felt,that the main question was still left unanswered.

"No I haven't, it was her mother talking to me about her daughter and the school she attends so that way your name popped up."

"Okay,So which Surah have you picked"?

" Do you want me to choose any particular surah of your choice"?she looked at her interestingly.

"um,how about surah As'r"?

" Excellent,but may I ask why this only "?She was still puzzled at her daughter showing interest in her programs. She had been out to deliver talks a number of times but she'd never shown any reaction like she was displaying it today.

" Nothing particular, Most probably Suleyma too will be there and I just want her to know this Surah and that's it ".

" You have chosen an amazing Surah,I'll prepare for the same,in sha Allah. Now go to your room for studying,I'll prepare breakfast for you and don't forget to carry your lunch."She gave instructions while walking into the kitchen.


After the school, Hera and Yasmin were back on the way to their homes, Eisha was absent again for the wedding was just a week away and the guests were pouring in already. She has a large extended family and now they were going to share a same household for a week or so and it was definitely going to be fun.

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