Chapter 19~• Life Is Beautiful

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I miss writing about school life,studies and books.

Well I have put in a little extra effort in writing this chapter.I can say that by looking at the length of it but how is it by quality, that you all will have to tell me.

Let me know through your comments and votes.

And have a nice read!!

                  Chapter 19

          ~• Life Is Beautiful

"And for those who fear God, He  prepares a way out, And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one puts his trust in God, sufficient is God for him. For God will surely accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things has God appointed a due proportion."

(Surah at-Talaq 65: 2-3)

                      *:-! :-*

It was a typical Monday morning. The sun rose, the same group of birds sat outside up in a tree and sang their happy little songs of joy, and the sound of Hera's alarm clock wakened her from a deep, peaceful slumber.

As usual, Hera groaned into her pillow, hoping she could manage to slip in a few extra minutes of sleep before her mother would come in to wake her up. But then, as if right on cue,Sahra stormed into her room flipping the light switch on.

Since her school was over she had developed a bad habit of sleeping after Faj'r until a little before noon. Making a great effort to get out of bed, Hera rose, and stretched, yawning all the while.

"How are you going to get rid of this habit of yours"? Asked Sahra when she saw her,standing in the doorway trying to suppress a yawn." Go get ready, you are coming with me".

"Where "? She was surprised.

" To get you some stuff.There are not many days left now".

"And what about your school"?

" I have taken off today".

"You don't need to ummi,I have got everything I need.Besides I have to go to Ustadh Abdullah". On the outside she lied but on the inside she cried.

" Why"? She looked at her for a moment and added more milk to her tea.

"Just a final visit".

She waited a further moment before replying," Okay go meet him today but that doesn't mean we are not going to buy your necessary items. I'll plan for it some other day or may be tomorrow in sha Allah ".

" Okay". She said stiffly and bit back a groan.Frustrated she padded into the bathroom, hoping that cold water would cool her senses.

The guy hadn't showed up yet.He was suppose to come two days ago but uptil today there was no sign of him.She was beginning to worry because she could see her plan failing. But she was determined to try one last time before giving up on it.

Call her stupid or naïve but she had never been a happy ending kind of girl. She didn't believe in the knight-in-shining-armour rescuing the damsel-in-distress. The ONLY reason she approached this guy was to buy time in order to stay beside her mother and help her with this mess.

Her feelings and her own reluctance to go ahead with her plan was scaring her.

" It must be I'm just afraid it won't work". She thought.

Pushing those thoughts into the deep region of her brain she picked up her scarf and wrapped around her head, clumsily.

Walking out she looked at the closed door behind her,"I am sorry ummi but I am doing this for us".

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