Chapter 46•~ Tied In Knots

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From daily updates to a huge gap of nearly one month, that's quite a change! My apologies for keeping you all wait for this long. Life happens to all and so did to me lol Classes and other engagements kept me on a tight schedule hence I couldn't find the time or the right headspace to work on this chapter.

In other important news we are heading to the end of this book *sniffles* Just few more chapters are remaining and then BTBS will reach it's end.

I pulled an all nighter to complete this chapter. Hope you all will like it In sha Allah. Do let me know your views in the comments and thank you very much for your patience and appreciation. Means a LOT!


''Give us wings to open the horizons of ascent, to break free from our confined cavern, the solitude of iron walls. Give us light, to pierce the deepest darkness and with the strength of its brilliant flow we will push our steps to a precipice from which to reap life’s victories.'

Fadwa Tuqan ,
A Prayer to the New Year


              Chapter •~ 46

              Tied In Knots

"Fahil who is that girl"?

" Which girl"? He whispered, in a complete gamut of surprise and confusion.

"Hera!!The name someone just said". Yasmeen said, her tone harsh with urgency.

" I don't know, who she is". Fahil sprinted out of the room at the seriousness in his wife's tone.

"Fahil can you please send her picture to me".

" Who's picture"?

"That girl's"!

" Are you serious"!!?

"A pregnant woman is never not serious".

Fahil looked for a hint of playfulness but the growl in her voice was very evident.

" I cannot click any girl's picture, that is against my ethics".

"I'm not asking you to click and save it in your gallery forever. Just send it to your wife, duh!!". *rolls eyes*

"I'm sorry Yasmeen I really cannot do this".

He was trying hard to process this sudden strange behavior of her's. In his head he wanted to blame estrogens but it felt like there was more to it,than just the doing of the pregnancy hormones.

" Are you saying 'No' to a pregnant woman"?

"Why does the pregnancy have to be the central topic in Every. Single.Thing that we discuss"? He emphasised on the words.

"Simply because it makes you act faster".

Fahil grunted his reluctant approval, which was ignored obediently.

"Can you atleast ask about her at the reception? Do you remember my childhood friend Hera? I'm suspecting that's her so I just want to confirm".

He sighed and rubbed his head as though the whole idea gave him a headache. Resigned for the fact that how deeply Yasmeen and Eisha were involved in finding their friend, and worried for the possibility that she may not be the one whom they're looking for.

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