Chapter 29•~A Glimmer Of Hope

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Chapter dedicated to arsanme

                  Chapter 29

       •~ A Glimmer Of Hope

                         * * *

                            23rd August, 2020

"If you see God withholding this world from you, and inflicting more and more hardships and suffering upon you, you must therefore know that you are noble in His sight, that you hold a lofty rank in His presence, and that He is making you tread the path of His saintly friends, for He sees you and He does not need that (withholding of this world...)

You have surely heard His saying:'So wait patiently for your Lord's decree, for you are surely in Our sight.'(52:48)"

~ Imam al-Ghazali


Rashid rose and began pacing back and forth on the carpeted floor."This is not possible.I am not ready for this".

"Why not"?As Ayesha questioned him, an unknown fear crossed her face.

"Because I am not interested in marrying her".He replied laying  stress on each word,desperate to settle the matter once and for all.

"Rashid listen to me son,she is a nice girl.I know you might say this is a little early for you two to get married and that's why we have decided that we will do the nikah in a few days and then later have a proper ceremony once Hera's studies are finished.In the meantime you two have your lives all to yourselves and you'll get enough time to figure out how compatible you are to each other.Trust me she is a wonderful girl and I am sure it will take no time for you to figure that out".

"Mom I don't want to marry that girl at all, not now...not ever and honestly, I couldn't care less about how wonderful she is". His tone was cold and distant, revealing how resolute he was against doing the nikah with Hera.

"Rashid she's only been here for few months.Give her sometime she'll learn our ways.You cannot expect her to be exactly the way you think.After all she has spent all her life until now in a small town".

" slow down why are you telling me all this?Nothing is going to change my mind.I cannot stand that girl for a second and you want me to carry that baggage for the rest of my life? Sorry...ain't happening".

"Rashid I and your father have given our word to Ustadh Abdullah.What are we going to say him now"?

"How can you do that mom?You didn't even bother to ask me before saying 'yes' to him"?

"It happened on the spur of the moment.He asked us and we didn't know what else to reply except saying 'yes'."

"Someday he'll ask you to take my life and you'll say 'yes' to him"?He mumbled, his voice sounding irritated as he spoke.

"Rashid I thought I raised you to be better than this". She knew, she was not being fair to him.It was unjust on their part as parents to coerce their decision on him but it all happened so fast that even it took a while for her to accept it.She liked Hera but she never thought of her as her daughter in law. After living in several moments of denial she was finally able to embrace the situation and surrender herself to the circumstantial needs.

"Mom you're talking about a life time commitment, how else do you expect me to react"?

"Look son,you will have enough time to find out about how successful your relationship can be in the future but for now just yes to this nikah".She tried to reason him out of his fears.

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