Chapter 30~• And The Life Moves On

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                     Chapter 30

        ~• And The Life Moves On

                             24th August, 2020

“…and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.”

[2:216, al-Qur’an]

                         * * *

They were sitting in Eisha's room, gathering their thoughts but none wanting to speak. It seemed as if a tense silence enveloped the room. Eisha wasn't shocked, but yes she was surprised to see Yasmeen here. Eisha lowered her head, doing her best to restrain the tears of remorse which threatened to spill down her cheeks, grieved by her own guilt.

She had never thought that there would come a moment in her life where events would take an ugly turn and strain the relations with her close friends,who were dear to her just like her family.

"I hope you don't mind, me coming to your in-laws place without asking or letting you know first". Yasmeen broke the silence before it would become too uncomfortable.

Her words only deepened her remorse,"Are you crazy ofcourse not". She smiled and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

It was a gesture of assurance more for her than it was for Yasmeen.She wasn't sure how things will proceed and more importantly she wasn't confident about how she should react on the subjects which she was avoiding even from herself.

"I thought you would at least reply to my letters". Whispered Yasmeen.

She glanced down,fiddling with the little gold bracelet encircling her wrist."I am sorry. I know I have been a jerk to you lately".

"Hey don't say that".Yasmeen reached out to her,watching her pale face and the droop of her shoulders she couldn't shake a feeling that something was off.

"Forget this gloomy stuff and tell me how's married life?"She changed the subject just to lighten up her mood, fighting the urge to vocalise all the questions in her mind.

"Alhamdulillah good". Her pale face slipped into a soft smile,

"How about yours"?

"Great Alhamdulillah."She beamed,"What's akhi's name"?

"Yusuf".She replied curly not wanting to speak more about him,"How is akhi Fahil?"

"He is feeling blessed, Alhamdulillah". She winked playfully whereas Eisha let out a lively chuckle.

In those moments they discussed about life just like they used to,during their school days.They talked about the history of their present, conveniently skipping their 'now'.

In those moments Eisha felt less weighed down by the world and her thoughts.

In those moments they became forgetful that their hearts were hurting.

In those moments Eisha felt like her life is all about happiness, love, laughter, triumphs, success, and all kinds of wonderful things.

"Eisha I want you to ask something important". Said Yasmeen after having moments of smiling more and laughing long and hard,"Where is Hera? And are the stories circulating in the town true"?

Eisha sighed and scooted back against the headboard of her bed."Hera is in the city...".

"Which city"?Yasmeen asked instantly not even waiting for her to finish first.

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