Chapter 40 •~ The Final Promise Just Before The End

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  Chapter dedicated to mayflower345

                 Chapter 40

The Final Promise Just Before
                     The End

                                  15th Sept, 2020


“ Don’t love deeply, till you make sure that the other part loves you with the same depth, because the depth of your love today, is the depth of your wound tomorrow. ”

- Nizar Qabbani


Since it was Sunday today so Fahil and Yasmeen were at Shoaib's home.Most of their holiday's were spent with Shoaib,Ayah and Ummi.Though there was a full time baby sitter for Ayah but it still left Yasmeen at unease.She was the one physically too close to her since her day one in this world.Besides her she was deeply attached to Shoaib to the point that some times it caused him great difficulty in his work life.

Keeping that in mind Yasmeen and Fahil proposed abundant of times to take Ayah with them but Shoaib declined, always. Ayah was his responsibility and he didn't want it to pin it on others.

Also,since she already lacked the affection and love of a mother, he didn't want her to miss on her father's love and care too.

"Mayn!! your tea making skills have improved from the last time." Teased Shoaib,as he watched Fahil placing the tray on a square table in front of the settee.

"Say thanks to your sister, man.She is the one who pushed me to learn to produce the finest tea...You know how ardent fan, she is of tea".

"I heard tea!
Did someone mention tea??
Can two men ever sit down and not talk about tea".

The two men turned their head towards the door where Yasmeen had her head poked through and smiled at them.

"Can a lady ever stop loving tea madly." Fahil replied teasingly.

"Oh No No!!
Tea is love,
tea is life". She boasted

"And I wish tea had a neck,so I could break it." Shoaib giggled at Fahil's displeasure, enjoying their playful banter.

"And a heart too so it could understand my love".

She chuckled; and when he did not answer she looked at him with delightful black eyes, teasing him a little more, acting innocent.

"By the way, were you spying on us"? Asked Fahil relaxing on the leather chair.

"No I was chaperoning you two".

"And why do we need chaperoning"? Asked Shoaib smiling at her naive simplicity.

"He doesn't make tea for anyone unless it's something special and fishy." She pointed at Fahil, looking through the corner of her eyes.

There wasn't a doubt in Yasmeen's voice, and it produced a laugh from both of them.

"Then join us".Fahil suggested, a big grin on his face.

"Oh No!! Boys talk is not my kinda thing...a little substandard for my taste."

She said in a dramatic tone trying to establish an air of superiority.

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