Chapter 20•~ From Friend to Stranger

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Can we all please take a moment to make a sincere and heartfelt duas for Lebanon. The footages coming out are absolutely devastating. May Allah bring peace and safety to Lebanon and the world at large.

                      Chapter 20

      ~•From Friend to Stranger

Ibn Hibban reported: Umar ibn Abdul Aziz, may Allah have mercy on him, said, "The most beloved matters to Allah are three: forgiveness in a position of power, moderation in a position of affluence, and gentleness in worship. And no one is kind to another in this world but that Allah will be gentle with him on the Day of Resurrection."

Rawḍat al-'Uqalā 1/167

For a full minute, the three of them stood in silence,the two friends studying each other's faces. A low rumbling of thunder broke the silence around them but as the minutes lengthened it seemed as though
the silence grew deeper and deeper.

Hera stood staring. She didn't even blink. She wasn't entirely sure she was even breathing.All she knew that something was terribly wrong but she didn't know exactly what it was.

She stood there,an enormity of emotion flooding her soul. Not okay with not understanding why she felt the way she felt.

She stood there drowning in the current of her emotions.

She stood there rooted to her spot.

"Eisha what are you doing here"?After what felt like forever,she reached out to her shoulder but her hand was quickly brushed away.

She frantically walked back to him,"What is this?Why have you brought my friend here"?She raised her eyes to him and it seemed strangely appropriate that those eyes were not familiar instead they appeared strange and deceptive.

He slowly walked towards Eisha and stopped next to her.He looked at Hera and said,"May be now you can leave me alone".

The anxiousness suddenly took over her,her thoughts darting off in every direction.

Why is Eisha here?How is this man related to her?Why isn't Eisha retracting?Who actually is this man? Several questions erupted in her mind, like an internal volcano.

"What are you saying"?She yelled in an attempt to demand explanation from him.

Eisha's eyes were still fixed upon the ground , her face was ghastly pale.

"May be now you'll stop coming after me".

She flinched at the sting of his words.She now realised what she had got into.All of it was a lie and she was naive enough to believe it.

This is the reality...the ugly truth!

"Eisha now you know that your friend is after your husband.I have been quite all this while because I thought, may be after our marriage she'll stop being crazy and straighten out her behaviour.But it only got worse,a glimpse of which you just witnessed."

When the nature of their relationship dawned on her, it sent a streak of cold through her.She had feared this exact scenario, or some form of it, for so long, now that it was actually happening , her brain couldn't process it.

He then no longer stayed on the scene, it was as if he played his part and when his role was over he walked out of the stage, waging a fierce war amongst the rest of the participants of the play.

"Why...Why did you this to me"?Eisha wanted to run away,she wanted to escape these moments but that frail voice dragged her back to the present.She felt a sad foreboding in her heart,the pain was now a part of her.

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