Chapter 33•~Whisper of the heart

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                    Chapter •~ 33

           Whisper Of  The Heart
                        30th August, 2020

“ She was a beautiful dreamer. The kind of girl, who kept her head in the clouds, above the stars and left regret beneath the earth she walked on."

  Robert M. Drake


Eisha needed time alone to process everything that had happened. She often felt the need of —to think; well, not even to think. To be silent; to be alone. A war had raged inside her that was brutally killing her every moment.

It has been two days since that revelation made by khadijah,but she still hadn't got the chance to speak to him. He was either genuinely very busy or he was just pretending to be busy. Since they were staying in a huge joint family set up so she just couldn't let her emotions on loose and do what she wanted to do it.

He rarely came home and when he did, he made sure to not come across her when they were just the two of them. He stayed out of home for all night and during the day he never walked into the bedroom which pretty much suggested that he was avoiding her.

Having lunch he walked to the wash stand,turning the cold tap on he washed his hands and rinsed his mouth.

"In hurry again?" Glancing in the mirror over the basin he saw her standing behind him.

"What are you up to dear husband, you seem so busy these days?"She took a step forward, arms folded. Her glare never leaving him.

A flash of darkness went though her face,revealing her hidden fury.

"I need to leave."He flicked his hands in the water and wiped them through his hair and when he moved toward the door to leave,Eisha lashed out."Not until we talk".

"I don't have time for your trash".

"If you walk out of that door Yusuf,by Allah I don't know what I will do and you don't tell me I never warned you before."

In a quick move he spun around,his eyes boring into her's. A thickly calloused hand grabbed her shoulder,"What is the matter with You?"He asked with a cold venomous glare.

Her heart fell into her feet by the look of malice in his eyes.Fearing the worst she staggered back.

The next moments that followed she didn't know how she walked on her feet and reached her room.She felt her pulse both in her throat and under the grip of that hand of his crushing her forearm.

She did not— could not—respond.

"What do you want to listen"?He shouted as the door slammed shut behind him.

Strong emotions welled up in her. Emotions that she was too fragile to handle.

" The truth". Although close to ​tears, she ​tried to make her ​voice ​sound ​casual.

He hooked his thumbs into his jean pockets,and leaned up against the back wall of the house as if they were going to have a regular chat.

"Before I tell you the truth I must say you're way smart than your age. I am amazed at the way you carried out your cute little investigation behind my back."

He paused ,and his expression became scornful,"Yes,I was the one who was intrested in your friend".

That's it!!

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