Chapter 45 •~ More Than Getting Through

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Chapter 45

More Than Getting Through

" Were it conceivable that a person see only the sun and its light spreading over the horizon, it would be right for him to say: I see only the sun, for the light radiating from it is part of the whole and not extrinsic to it. So everything in existence is a light from the lights of the eternal power, and a trace from its traces. And as the sun is the source of light radiating to every illuminated thing, so in a similar fashion the meaning which words fall short of expressing-though it was necessarily expressed as 'the eternal power'-is the source of existence radiating to every existing thing."

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As much as Hera dreaded the working environment of her office, she was quite surprised that she warmed up to it very quickly. A week into the office and she was already enjoying her work space more than she anticipated. She was grateful that she had the unalloyed privilege of working in an area whose subject matter fascinated her, and which she spent a good chunk of her free time studying and talking about.

Like every day it was an average morning,the sky was peaceful over the countryside hanging high above rolling hills of pastures and farmlands. She was a little early today. Sleepless nights brought out the restlessness in her and she'd risen hours ago, taking her time showering and doing her hair. She put on the hijab and hustled her way out for office.

She pulled into a well lit empty parking lot, parked her bike to the side and stood in the parking lot for a moment and sniffed the air. A sudden shriek pierced the air. Ignoring the heartbeat pulsing through her head, she ran into the direction from where it came frantically scanning the lifeless street. At the end of the street she saw the old gaurd holding one foot up, his breathing shallow and his arms shaking.

"What happened?" She asked and went over to the old man.

She realised quickly why he was holding his leg up as he tried to lean on the wall. His calf was dripping with blood from two deep, semi-circle wounds.
It was a stray dog,he was sitting on his chair at the entrance of the gate and the damn thing had ran up,chased after him and bit him. Hera wanted to ask more questions, but he was struggling to breath.

She secured a towel on his leg and helped him to get on his feet again.

"I will take you to the hospital". She said.

"Please, this hurts like a-" he started to say something, but instantly cuts himself off with a groan.

In about half an hour they pulled up to the hospital and she parked her bike on the curb. The nurses saw them and instantly had a wheelchair ready. They ask her to fill out a form,and took him away. She was stuck in the waiting room, not sure of what to do. What social protocol was there for taking a stranger to the ER?

The man was not conscious, she was sure she couldn't leave him stranded here. But she had an important meeting to attend today,she gave a quick glance at the clock on the wall and it showed 9'o clock. Worried she stepped outside to clear her head, and pulled in a scorching breath.

"Call the office"demanded a rational voice in her head, and she immediately pulled her phone out and pressed the digits of the landline.The phone rang but there was no one on the other end of the line.She made few more attempts in the next one hour,but there was still no success. She mentally chided herself for not having her colleagues mobile numbers except for Muntaha's. She tried to reach her but her phone was switched off.

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