Chapter 5 •~ Unexplained

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"Verily Allah doesn't test him (the servant) to destroy him. He only test him in order to test his patience and servitude. Most of the creation give the servitude in that which they love. However the matter is giving the servitude in that which there is his hardship."


From the last night the wind was howling around and the rain poured down continuously. Helplessly Hera looked at the rain which still poured down heavily not giving any signs of easing off any soon.The heavy metal gates at the entrance were opened at the end of the school day, and an incredible crush of children poured into the squelchy mud of the lane outside.A weary smile graced her lips as she witnessed the scene,recalling her childhood moments which gave her nostalgic vibes.The sweet smell of the wet mud were bringing back old memories,when it was hard for her to stay indoors whenever it rained no amount of scolding could stop her form getting wet in the rain and to back her up her father would join her to climb up the roof not acknowledging his wife's constant admonitions instead he would grab her with his wet, dripping hands and pull her into the rain.As a family they would make paper boats and set them to sail on the collected water.But now the rain had completely opposite effect on her instead of making her happy it would make her days gloomy.

"Please stop"! She grumbled looking above, at the thundering clouds.

"Aren't you leaving for home"?Yasmeen splashed the rain water on to her face.

"Waiting for the rain to stop".

" Come on let's enjoy the rain today".She motioned Hera to follow her."It feels like I am a tree, being watered for the first time after a long drought."She splashed in the shallow puddles with her bare feet.

"Stop doing that". Hera jumped up on her feet and rushed to the top of the stairs.

" But the weather is so good."Yasmeen pouted,continuing to play like a little child.

"I hate rainy season, it makes everything wet and boring and painful". The last word was barely audible.

Yasmeen let out a sigh at her reply and put her shoes back on," I need to leave are you coming with me or not"?

"I'll stay until they sky is clear,you go".


Hera continued gazing at the clouds and wishing for it to go away.There were very few people left in the school.The teaching staff had gone already.By evening the rain stopped and Hera was finally able to leave the school.She decided to take a bus instead of walking,since it was late already. But as soon as she stepped off the bus the rain just fell on her not by drops but it just fell and she was instantly drenched. Looking around she started to run and nearly fell down while striding towards the shelter.

" May I help you"?Came a familiar voice. Hera looked at him for a fleeting second and resumed to twist the water out of her shirt.

"Do you need something".He asked again.She remained silent,thinking that her silence might serve as a reply but perhaps Hera had underestimated his obstinance because he didn't budge an inch.

" Yes". Looking straight at his face,she forced a reply.

"What"? His face contorted with excitement.

" Your departure".All his happiness wiped away with her few innocent words.

"I am just trying to help".The man smiled an embarrassed smile but he swiftly regained his poise.

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