Chapter 24•~The little things that counts

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Dedicated to ZeixDreamCatcher06

                  Chapter 24•~

     The little things that counts

                           August 16th, 2020

Hasten to perform good deeds before seven events: Are you waiting for poverty that makes you forgetful? Or wealth that burdens you? Or a debilitating disease or senility? Or an unexpected death or the False Messiah? Or is it evil in the unseen you are waiting for? Or the Hour itself? The Hour will be bitter and terrible. ”

(Source:Sunan al-Tirmidhī)


At the window in the small dining area adjacent to the living room,she sat a moment,in her eyes was the light that you see only in children waiting to meet their mother,after a long day of not being with her.

She was here for days now and yet she heard nothing from her mother. Every attempt to find out about the happenings in the town was vain. There were wells of tears building up inside her eyes, her pain a palpable entity between them.She leaned against the cold wall and tried to set her mind on brighter imaginings.She thought of this, as just a dream and she'll find her mother by her side once her eyes are shut open.She visioned of going back to home and finding her mother doing the paper work,her heavy framed glasses resting on the bridge of her nose.

But no matter where she steered her mind, her fears got the best of her.

Being mentally exhausted and weary, she turned around and walked down the corridor to the tall double door of her room, adjacent to Ayesha's room.
She laid the prayer rug on the floor and fell on her knees.

"Ya Allah I surrender my restless heart to you.Comfort me.Lead me. May I find my rest in you.You're enough for me and my mother.You're Al- Muhaymin and it's your protection that we're seeking.Be our refuge.Let your mercy,your care and your protection fulfill us and sustain us.Let you be the peace in our panic." She sobbed and buried her face in her hands.

Her cries continuing and growing louder,making her words difficult to understand,"Ya Rab,calm the waves inside of me by taking my mother under your protection.Ya Rab we need you,we have always needed you and we will always need you". She sat on the cold floor,hugging her knees to her chest,rocking back and forth as she kept trying to repeat the dua in her broken voice.

ﺍﻟﻠﻬُﻢَّ ﻻ ﺳَﻬْﻞَ ﺇﻻ ﻣَﺎ ﺟَﻌَﻠﺘَﻪُ ﺳَﻬْﻼ ﻭَ ﺃﻧﺖَ ﺗَﺠْﻌَﻞُ ﺍﻟﺤﺰْﻥَ ﺇﺫﺍ ﺷِﺌْﺖَ ﺳَﻬْﻼ

O Allah! There is nothing easy except what You make easy, and You make the difficult easy if it be Your Will."

She did not know how long she had sat there crying, but her body was stiff, her foot still swollen and developing a purple bluish colour.She felt empty and alone but she remembered HE is near,and that gave her the strength to live.

The soft knock at the door interrupted her thoughts.Her legs wobbled,felt like mush as she walked towards the door.

"Didn't I tell you,Allah's mercy will not let you drown"? Standing in the doorway was Ayesha,she didn't give her any time to react as she took her hands in her and said,"look who has come to meet you". Pointing in the direction of living room.

Hera ran out of the room at the breakneck speed,down the hall, bursting through the door and running into the living room,looking for the person.

Fresh tears ran down her cheeks as she saw Ustadh Abdullah.He was wearily rubbing his hand across his forehead while holding the telephone in the other hand.He hung up the phone as soon as he saw her.

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