Chapter 27~•The good,the bad,the magic and the tragic

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                 Chapter 27~•

          The good,the bad,
     the magic and the tragic


"To completely trust in God is to be like a child who knows deeply that even if he does not call for the mother, the mother is totally aware of his condition and is looking after him."

*Imam Al-Ghazali*


The late evening sky was a rich orange color with a tint of pink.The sight was beautiful with its borderless flow of clarity and the shades changing every hour.

Time started to add, the shades becoming darker ever so slightly as the sun disappeared behind the darkened hues of the sky.

After finishing his Maghreb salah Shoaib remained sitting on the floor, intending to spend some more time in the masjid. Since most of the people had already left after the salah so it was easy for him to stay back without anyone bothering him. He sat there,not knowing what to do but just sitting on his spot in the masjid gave him so much peace. He felt like a little boy searching for a place and a person to belong to. His life seemed to be the pieces of puzzle that didn't fit the way he had been praying they Would.

He was exhausted of trying to make things right between him and labeebah.Their thinking and goals were as different as day and night, but even that wasn't the real problem.The nub of the problem was that she never admitted the fact that sometimes..., even she can be wrong and she was never willing to work together and lay out common ground in their areas of conflicts. Her goals on what makes a marriage work, were awfully different from his.

All his sacrifices and efforts that he had poured into sustaining a working relationship seemed to be lost in vain.

And after three years of their marriage he was now questioning himself, if this relationship was worth salvaging?

Instead of going to home he drove back to his office,even though the office hours were long over. He wanted to go anywhere but, home.Your home usually a joyful, peaceful and colourful place now exuded sadness and stress.

The room was plunged into darkness and he preferred to not turn the lights on. He leaned back in his swivel chair, his arms dangling over the sides,the room in near total darkness urged him to find that beacon of light amidst a fog of trials and tribulations. He wasn't aiming for a conflict-free marriage, because ofcourse there is no ideal marriage but the matter at hand was now getting loud with a bit of ugly thrown in for good measure and he no longer knew how to deal it in a normal way. He sighed heavily and shut his eyes, letting whatever thoughts that floated to the surface completely take over his mind.

He sat there for some uncounted moments and when his eyes fluttered open his mobile phone vibrated and flashed a notification of missed call. Unlocking the screen displayed 13 missed calls, all from Labeebah. Picking up his car keys he strode towards the underground parking lot.

He reached home, the door of which stood slightly ajar as always except that he found Labeebah sitting on the couch as soon as he stepped into the hall.

"You were suppose to be here at 6:30 and it's 8:00 o'clock already." She asked vehemently.

"Assalamualaikum!! I am sorry,I just got late..." he didn't feel like adding more to his reply because there was no reason...or at least not good enough to convince her.

They were suppose to be going out for dinner today and his 'uncaring' attitude had, had her hit the ceiling.

"Don't worry we can still have our dinner out coz it's not too late".

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