Chapter 28~•The Sudden Decision

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                      Chapter 28

         ~•The sudden decision
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"No situation in this life is perfect. But Allah promises you this: with every one hardship, He will give you many reasons to find ease. Every test comes with gifts. And every gift comes with tests. See the gifts, and you will find ease. See the Giver, and you will pass your tests."

^Yasmin Mogahed^

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A couple of months had passed since Hera started to attend college.She was starting to get the hang of everything now and was even making friends with a bunch of people. Well acquaintances, she wouldn't really call them friends.Though most of the times she preferred to be alone,and didn't mind being called a 'loner' by others. The transition from school to college life was a terrible jam as it is and to add to it,coming from a small town and going to college in the city was definitely a no small feat.

Not being with Sahra had seemed to create a permanent void in her life which nothing and no one could fill it. To keep herself "under control", she kept herself frantically busy. Undertaking projects and assignments which others wouldn't want to do, taking multiple courses.Studying till late at night or getting involved in art and craft activities, in short she practically took up on all those activities that would stop her from feeling sad, anguished,hurt,scared and angry.

She needed to remind herself constantly that she has not lost the purpose of her life yet,that before being a daughter and a friend she is the slave of Allah. And nothing you lose is a loss if you still have Allah.Her faith in Allah was her motivation for every breath.When she felt alone and empty she remembered Allah is close to her and in those moments that's all she needed to remember, to hold her soul together.

Walking through the halls, she casually greeted her classmates as they were moving to management skills class,the college bustling and busy as always. A smile here, a wave there, she always did her best to be nice to everyone and was treated equally nice in return,for which she was very grateful to Allah because she had heard enough stories about college kids being bullied by their classmates.

She lugged her backpack over the shoulder and walked her way to the exit of the department's building.Out in the open field,some students were running around,many were sitting into groups(most probably bunking classes)some reading in the grass and some just publically displaying affection to their significant other.Hera had named that area as "cringe alert zone". She quickened her pace as she walked through that zone to reach the bus station.Though Ayesha was in the favour of having someone to pick and drop her to the college but she refused to accept it because she didn't want to add to their responsibilities as they were already doing so much for her as it is.

The street was nearly empty of other pedestrians, and only one other person, a man in a suit, sat at the stop with her.A torrent of old memories rushed into her head,she bit her lip and brushed them away.She stood under the shelter and he sat on the bench,so she couldn't see him.

She was reluctant to miss the remainder of the day at college but since Ayesha had asked her to come early and she couldn't say 'no' to her. Hence after the attending the lab she walked out of the campus during the break.

As the bus pulled up she quickly boarded wondering about the reason that she was asked to come home early.

Unlike every other day the house was almost silent, may be because it was noon and the men were at their work place.Usually when Hera returned it would be early evening already so she preferred going  straightaway to her room as soon as she stepped in the home because uncle and son were found discussing office work in the lounge over coffee before dinner.

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