Chapter 8•~ Aqee'qah And Announcements

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                  •Chapter 8•

              Aqee'qah And

We are a thick skinned people with empty souls. We spend our days playing dice, chess, or sleeping - and we say we are the best people that ever came to mankind?

*Nizar Qabbani*


"Congratulations, Suleyma.You failed to turn a mother against her daughter. Well! you congratulate someone on achieving something good but I think you at least deserve an acknowledgement for your remarkable attempt".They were moving to the ground for the sports period. This period usually used to be free,the teacher of sports was very lenient,she would ask the students to practice on their own and would herself walk into the sports room staying there the entire time and coming out only when the bell for the next period rings.

" What are you talking about"?Suleyma looked at the group of her friends, who were with her, and acted like she has no clue of any of this.

"Would you all mind giving five minutes to just the two of us"? Hera asked her class mates in a formal tone,when she watched them standing around, wanting to be a part of the conversation.

"Are you upset about what I told to your mother, yesterday? But then I just told her the truth".She shrugged her shoulders as if she really did nothing wrong.

"Your memory is pretty sharp. I was thinking it would take more than five minutes to make you recall that."

"What can I say". She shrugged her bony shoulders again, the hint of a smirk was clear on her face.

"You can at least try to say the truth".She said with a sarcastic tone,her indifference was making Hera go spare.

" I spoke only the truth and why do you want to hide it from your religious mother?afraid of her,huh?I wanted to tell her so much more but when I looked at her pale face I decided to stop and leave it at that".

"What more were you going to tell her? Even I don't know that 'more' part of mine." She was so angry that her breathing was going hard.

"You can know it through your mother, don't worry we'll soon have her at our home again".Folding her hands to her chest,she replied as if they were having a friendly chat.

"I wish I could stop my mother from going to your place but she went it for a good reason and preventing my mother from gaining reward is not what I want to do but let me knock some sense in to you, if you think you'll reach out to my mother and involve her in your wicked plans then you're highly mistaken. You are wrong to think that I'll stay quiet and do nothing just like I had been so far. If you drag my mother in any of our matter then you'll have to prepare for grave consequences, she stays off your limits." She then moved a little closer towards her and looked into her eyes,"I can go to any extent to protect my mother,don't try me and I hope you take heed of my words".She then walked away,a frisson of surprise shot through Suleyma as she stood processing the words in her mind.

The rest of the day at the school was passed without any unrest. Hera was very peaceful, the anger she had been holding within her was now subsided. She pretended like nothing happened between them and spoke to her candidly when they were paired for carrying out an experiment in the laboratory. She behaved like they were on good terms, though in the mid of the experiment Suleyma changed her partner but that didn't bother Hera.After the practical she was going back to the class when a junior came running after her to inform that Ustadh Abdullah was calling her in his office. She blew a heavy sigh because of the moments that were going to come.

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