Chapter 21~• Caught In Knots

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                  Chapter 21

         ~• Caught In Knots

"When Allah tests us, He is simply teaching us. And He will keep giving us those mock exams, before the Big Exam, until we learn. And if you do learn, and you get what the lesson is about, then congratulations- that’s a very precious blessing, and is possibly the real success you’re after!"


"Oh!! it's rainbows and lightning, umbrellas and puddles."She twirled around and giggled in. Where as Hera looked outside with narrowed eyebrows.

"Do you wanna build a mud man".

"What is that"?

"100% dirt".

"I know Eisha".She rolled her eyes."But who builds a mud man"?

"When you cannot build a snowman you build a mudman".

She grabbed her hand and dashed towards the door not bothering to hear her screams.

Outside in the open,the crimson trees with its brilliant vibrant hues of bloomers were enough to give life, an animated picture to the dull house which it generously covered.

The trees growing so close beside her old washed out pale brown painted brick house presented a pleasant picturesque with the rainy sky to any passersby, so much that some of them took the liberty of taking some generous moments to admire the beauty around them.

Hera's first impression of the place was like any other person. Her breath was immediately taken away by the pretty sight so much that her little eyes were as wide as an owl for quite a while.

"I have been oblivious of this magnificent beauty,at my door step for all these years".She mused, as she stood there taking in the sight.

"You don't wait for the storm to end you learn to dance on the rain".Eisha strolled along the fast-cooling sand, her head back, looked up at the blank, galloping sky, and spread her hands wide.

"Come on now let's get our hands dirtied".

"Eisha we are not kids anymore".

"Yes we are,we are just 8th graders".

"We are grown ups".

"Not past the age of rolling in the mud".

"You want to roll in the mud"?She raised her eyebrows at her,afraid she might actually do that.

"No,not me but I will push you in the puddle, behind you, if you don't join me".Pointing in the direction behind her, she actually scared Hera.

Crouching down, she dipped her hands into the water then dug up the shifting soil.

Letting out a frustrated groan Hera scooched down next to her,her fingers pressed against the dusty rock beneath her bare feet."You know you are crazy".

"Being crazy is better than being boring and dull".

She gave her a 'whatever' look,her fingers quested over the ground, tracing lines in the gritty sand coating the surface, absently sketching out some random images.

Some moments passed when the sky spit down a misty drizzle, fine droplets of cold water.Flinging the door open Hera rushed inside as if she was looking forward to exactly this,all that while.

"Tell me when you make your 'mud man' mad woman".She laughed from inside.

Eisha huffed indignantly.The wind blew strands of hair across her face and into her mouth. She puffed them out and pushed them away as she piled up the mud in the shape of a mud-man.

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